Tag Archives: changing self

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 18, 2020

Your real goal is wholeness and freedom, wholeness within yourself, all your fragmented parts brought safely home, and freedom from fear. Your fragmented selves are all the secrets you tell yourself, all the lies you uphold about yourself. And your fear rules you, keeping you safely ensconced in your secrets and lies. Accept your wholeness, all the parts of yourself you do not like, that you reject. And acquiesce to your fears; confront them, and in the process find your wholeness and your freedom. Only then will you truly know what it means to be all that you can be. Only then will you truly know what love is. And only then will you truly have achieved something, the real work of a lifetime.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday December 23, 2019

Stay on the path of truth and healing, on the path of spirit and growth, on the path of heart and loving kindness. You can’t go wrong if you stay in positive mode, in the direction of hope, seeking what is right and good. Seek not only for yourself but for all beings, and with your heart turned outward, remain intent upon being giving and loving, knowing that if that is all you have to give, it is enough. With patience and a positive attitude, stay focused on all of that and you will not be disappointed.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 13, 2019

Make choices that are healthy, consistent, manageable, and practical. Make choices that will indeed change you in positive ways. Make choices that will challenge you, but make them for reasons that are personally right, interesting, and sound. Make choices to change yourself into who you truly are. Work through your karma from previous lives, brought over to resolve in this one, and work through your current issues too, your regrets, entitlements, and resentments so that you are truly freed of all encumbrances. Seek to know and understand yourself, fully and deeply, so you can figure out why you do certain things that are harmful, withholding, punishing, or downright dangerous. Accept who you now are, but choose to change yourself too so that you may evolve. Choose a new path of healing, inner and outer, in alignment with your heart’s path of knowledge and adventure so that your life may now unfold in a new and more balanced, enlightening way. With loving kindness for yourself and the journey you have traveled thus far, make a choice today that will be the first step of many to come on a new voyage to a changed and evolved you. You won’t regret it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 28, 2019

Remind yourself often that you are energy, an energetic being capable of so much more than you think, than what you tell yourself constantly, and what others perceive you as. As an energetic being you are incredibly light and fluid, rather than densely human and heavy, without limitation. First and foremost, you can easily communicate on an energetic level. You do this already without realizing it. Pay more attention to how this happens. Energetic communication with others is easily achieved. Think of someone or some thing and wait for feedback. Let your energetic self be more fully part of your life. See what happens as you open up to this other side of yourself, your energy being self!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 13, 2019

There’s nothing wrong with you. Everything is part of your life plan. Everything is an important part of who you are and what you have decided you need to make life challenging, interesting, and evolutionary. Everything about you offers an opportunity. Everything begs to be investigated and explored for greater meaning. Everything that happens to you, has happened, and will happen is part of your life’s journey and thus everything matters. You are learning every day of your life. You are fulfilling and completing some aspect that your Soul has decided is important. Love and appreciate all aspects of yourself from your Soul’s perspective and strive also to progress each day in your body self, to find meaning, and to keep changing in a positive manner. Live life always as a meaningful journey, for that is what it is. Make each day count by doing something loving and kind, for that is what really matters, to body and Soul.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne