Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Friday May 10, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

When nature changes abruptly there is turmoil; hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves and blizzards all bring chaos with them. Heat waves and cold snaps and other extremes cause disruptions and often death ensues. When picking up the pieces afterwards there are questions as to why. Why indeed? Nature has its ways of bringing about change, and some may seem harsh, but when change is really needed it may not be noted until much later. Look inward each day and ask: Where do I need change? What can I change today? Make change a daily habit and notice how much nicer incremental change is compared to disaster.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Intensity Is The Key To Manifestation

When all else fails, hone your superpower & stay grounded too…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

In a dream, I arrive at a conference site early in the day. I’m allowed to check into my room, one of many cottage-like structures scattered about the grounds. I go into my room to discover a man taking a shower. The room had not been vacated.

This room disruption became the theme of the dream, as my room number changed constantly, even while I was asleep in it. All orienting signs became meaningless.

When the rules that govern our familiar reality are interrupted we arrive at the gate of new manifestation. The first challenge in this dream is to not be offended by its unfairness. No point in an irate call to the desk clerk. Such an intense act would simply manifest and reinforce a typical drama around self-importance and entitlement.

If we cling to the rules that govern our consensus reality we miss the fine print of that contract, which states, “All rules were made to be broken.” Don Juan Matus stressed that he refused to uphold rules that he had not personally agreed upon. Despite appearances, reality is relative. Consciously, or unconsciously, we are the creators of our own reality.

The more appropriate reaction, in this dream, is to say to self, “Chuck, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” This is the attitude that invites the intensity of awe, which in turn potentiates the magic, the freedom to manifest one’s own creative intent.

The subconscious mind is the power plant of manifestation, but realize, it is quite neutral as to the outcome of its physical creation. It responds to intensity rather than morality. If one chooses the intensity of anger, it will attract a reality befitting that emotion. If the mood is more hopeless, it will cast defeat upon all that one sees. If fear is the main attraction, it will riddle the mind with horror stories and the body with anxiety.

If one is passionate about a belief, positive or negative, it is sure to activate the attractive power of the subconscious. The key is in the faith and passion one holds; the intensity of one’s belief. There is little intensity in idly wishing and hoping that someday something will happen.

Our consensus reality has largely maintained itself by a default agreement passively accepted through the influence of strong socialization. We have disowned and projected our innate magical beingness onto fairy tales, while we have hardened into solid reality.

The world events of our time, like the ruptures in my dream, are shattering this fixation, shredding the very fabric of our weathered consensus reality. The emotional intensities of left and right are generating fantastical realities that then clash into even greater  calamities.

As I said above, the subconscious responds to intensity of emotion and thought. It is the responsibility of human consciousness to exercise responsible choice. Current events are powerfully waking us up to assume responsibility for our own creative power and to use it wisely.

May we exercise our power like Jupiter in Libra. May the intensity of our awe expand, like Jupiter, into Libra, whose outstanding characteristic is one of balance. To expand without balance is delusion, yet even delusion, when embraced with intensity, can manifest.

An agreement that is inclusive of the true needs of all is the creative exercise of power we need. May it, with intensity, prevail.

With Intensity,

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 7, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

It’s okay to desire change, to wish for peace, to believe in miracles. Though your society plods onward in its usual ways, it’s okay to look beyond the status quo to what else might be possible. To dream of a better world is one path of heart that awaits. To actually walk that path, that dream, offers the possibility of an actual better world. There is a difference between just dreaming and imagining and taking action to actualize a dream. Some of the best ideas fall by the wayside because they are never given life, never actualized. Don’t let your own dreams fall by the wayside. Take one step today to make them come true. And then do the same the day after. Things don’t ordinarily happen overnight. It’s in the daily step-by-step that they unfold and become reality.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 6, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Change happens in slow increments but also in leaps and bounds. Sometimes it’s hard to wait for change to come, at other times it’s hard to keep up. To get in alignment with change is part of being in balance with life. Notice how changes in your life, and in the world around you, affect you and decide the best actions and reactions to take in keeping with where you are in life and where you want to be. When change is happening slowly, slow down and be with that pace. And when change comes in leaps and bounds, leap up and bound along with it. Do what is called for in each moment.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Restoring Sovereignty To The Inner Creator

Say but the word…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Hypnotism as a healing art was in its heyday in the mid to late 19th century. The turn of the 20th century heralded the birth of the modern advertising industry, when industrial psychologists galvanized the power of suggestion to influence public thinking and spending.

Today, in the early 21st century, we are witnessing the extreme  exercise of the power of suggestion in political attempts to whitewash blatant lies and install an alternative sovereign reality. The absurdity of this global drama draws attention to the profound creative power of suggestion to materialize a new reality. Say something enough times and people will believe it.

The interplay between the use of word and material creation is fundamental to human life. “In the beginning was the word and the word was made flesh,” begins John’s Gospel. Human beings are creators who use words to suggest physical activity to the subconscious mind, countless times, every day.

Many of the suggestions we live by are embedded in the cells and organs of the body. The subconscious automatically goes with these default suggestions due to their proven evolutionary effectiveness. However, one can override an instinctive suggestion. For instance, the suggestion to simply hold the breath interrupts such a default habit of automatic breathing.

The process of human aging reveals the impact of inherent suggestions upon changes in the human body. These changes are so universal that they are generally accepted as irrevocable. Nonetheless, as I explored in a recent blog, the placebo effect demonstrates clearly the power of  conscious suggestion to potentially override disease.

Christian Science discovered the practical use of autosuggestion in its approach to healing, but it exhausted itself with its denial of physical reality as it attempted to influence the subconscious. One needn’t deny physical reality to successfully manifest changes in it. The greater challenge is to suspend the limiting judgment of the rational mind that disables one’s conscious practice of autosuggestion.

If you don’t believe that something is possible, you are not likely to practice it, or you will too quickly give up trying when you don’t see the results you seek. Blocking beliefs can be quite debilitating, as they present the subconscious with contradictory suggestions that undermine one’s conscious intent.

Rather than engage in interactions with blocking beliefs, let them be. Simply take attention off them and continue to state your desired intent. Say to yourself that anything is possible, at least until proven otherwise, and continue with your practice of stating your conscious autosuggestion.

Do not attach to the outcome of your subconscious’s manifestation of your suggestion. Determine that your subconscious has its own mysterious method of realization. Trust it; let go of any controlling thoughts.

Assume full responsibility for your suggestions. I stopped doing clinical hypnosis years ago in favor of suggesting self-hypnosis to my clients, where one assumes full responsibility for suggesting to themselves the changes they seek. One really only grows through one’s own efforts. Autosuggestion restores one’s sovereignty to one’s inner creator.

As a spiritual mentor, I do not hold myself accountable for the decisions of those whom I mentor. I do, however, hold myself responsible for tackling their challenges as they live within myself. As without so within.

Telepathically, my influence is one of compassion and unconditional positive regard for the sovereignty of all fellow travelers.

I do suggest that one be very sparing of sharing with others one’s auto-suggestive intentions. Sharing can activate doubting and blocking beliefs in others, which can then be conveyed telepathically back as suggestions to one’s own subconscious mind.

If what we intend to manifest requires that we address issues that must be tackled first, we will be led to that realization. If what we intend to manifest throws us off balance, we will be guided, through experience, to that realization.

If what we seek to manifest does not materialize, we will be led to the understanding that our soul requires the course we are on for our greater evolution. Here, the ego is freed to acquiesce to one’s greater good.

The profound power of suggestion currently dominating our world reflects to us the importance of assuming full responsible sovereignty for the inner creators that we all are.

Inwardly, we are offered the opportunity to realize our full potential. Outwardly, we are in a position to materialize a consensus reality dedicated to the greater good of all.

To the greater good,