Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 21, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Unusual are the ways of the Universe in how it connects with Spirit and creates for the greater good. Open your eyes more often to the synchronicities in your life, those meaningful coincidences that make no sense yet are so important. Pay attention to the inner voice that correctly guides you so that you are safe, that gives you insight and helps you navigate the world. You are an integrated part of that wholeness that you perceive as the world around you, not separate but an informed part that when once more alert and aware will begin to see the finer, more intricate subtleties of life in and around you. There is a greater plan of which you are a part and which you impact on a daily basis. Watch more closely for the signs that guide you and show you the way.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 20, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Ground yourself in knowing that everything has already happened. You are in the process of its unfolding and its revealing itself in physical form. The ideas are already thought, the feelings already felt, the unfolding already planned. Live through this time in your life fully conscious and aware of all that is and all that could be, for even as everything has already happened, you do have free choice to change things, at any moment. Stay alert to the journey you are on and to the moments of choice-making that come to you throughout the day, and take the opportunity that best suits you for making a change in the grand plan of your life. Free choice is always yours to exercise.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 17, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Keep upon a path of heart, a path that aligns mind, body and spirit, that looks always for the right direction, that knows no bounds. A spirit led life is a life to yearn for indeed, for when spirit leads all doors are open, all focus is honed, and all intentions are directed toward good. Without fail, a path of heart will lead one to the known and the unknown, to experiences that confirm life and all its questions and that confront life and all its questions in the deepest ways. A path of heart challenges the heart, the mind and the spirit so that every day is a day of wonder.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 16, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

It’s never too late to change, to move in a new direction, to look forward to something new. Change happens all the time, in and around you, so why not embrace it and be part of it rather than stuck in the past. Why not look beyond the mundane, the usual, the known to something new and different. Dare yourself to be different today, to do something out of the ordinary, to think in a completely new way. Get beyond the illusions of fear and open yourself to a new and creative day. Life has been waiting a long time for you to take it by the hand and step out into the light of a totally new day.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 15, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Take care of the body even as you take care of the spirit, for without the one the other will not flourish. Both body and spirit require good attention to details in order to be in tiptop shape. One cannot experience the ultimate union if not in good condition. Attend to the body so that it becomes the best home possible for the spirit . While in good physical form the spirit seeks compatibility, alignment, and continuity. Allow body and spirit to know each other, to support each other, to create together, and to experience life to the fullest. With awareness of the needs of both to be in good alignment with each other, focus on keeping in balance within and without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne