Tag Archives: life as a changing journey

Soulbyte for Thursday January 16, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

It’s never too late to change, to move in a new direction, to look forward to something new. Change happens all the time, in and around you, so why not embrace it and be part of it rather than stuck in the past. Why not look beyond the mundane, the usual, the known to something new and different. Dare yourself to be different today, to do something out of the ordinary, to think in a completely new way. Get beyond the illusions of fear and open yourself to a new and creative day. Life has been waiting a long time for you to take it by the hand and step out into the light of a totally new day.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 20, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Let there be light in your heart that your mind might stay clear and open to the grand adventure of life, ready and willing to see and experience all that life provides you with in a new way each day. Rather than expect the same, going through the same old ideas, thoughts and way of seeing the world, take each new day and its unfolding as a grand new adventure like no other. Let go of the old and embrace the new. For indeed, each day is totally new and unknown and thus, how can you expect it to be the same as the day before? With an open hearted expectation of joy and happiness, fulfillment and perfection, let it unfold toward your open arms with a new mind that is ready to open and receive it as well. The thrill of it all is about to begin.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Golden Opportunity Of Now

Infinite relaxation…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

I completely daydreamed through grammar school. One day, a quantum thought presented itself to my consciousness. It started with the notion of a finite line, perhaps an inch in length.

I reasoned that if I were to keep cutting that line in half, though I might not have the instruments to do so, that that halving process would go on for infinity. As long as there was a thing, there could always be a half of it. With this realization, I discovered infinity in a finite 1-inch line.

Today, I find infinity in my finite physical body. If I tell my body to relax, I can feel it halve its level of tension in my musculature. Often I’ll do this in accompaniment with an exhalation. I then pause, no breath, and notice the newly reduced level of tension in my body. I then tell my body to hold that level as I inhale and further release upon exhalation, taking the tension level down another notch.

I find that there is no end to a deepening level of relaxation. In fact, at a certain level, the experience is no longer that of physicality but one of pure vibrant energy. Even at that level the deepening relaxation is endless, with a sound frequency that continues to rise in pitch as physicality continues to diminish.

At a certain level, we are all fundamentally infinite quantum-energy beings. When we reach that quantum energy level of our being, with consciousness, we are no longer limited by a mindset of physicality. We are now in an undefined state of pure fluid energy. Here, consciousness of the particle state of physical life shifts to its complementary wave state of pure energy.

Joe Dispenza defines this wave state as our fifth-dimensional realm of existence, the gateway to quantum opportunity. When we are freed from the confines of our defined physical being, we open to the infinite state of possibilities that are all simultaneously present in the quantum realm.

If with conscious intent, while in that realm, we imagine what we want, we set in motion its physical realization at the particle level of our existence, the realm of waking life. As John’s Gospel aptly begins: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was made flesh.” Our consciousness at the quantum level is the creator. The words we utter and the scenes we imagine are the suggestions that the subconscious mind will fashion into the flesh.

What typically interferes with this process is the entrenched hardwired beliefs that resist relinquishing their particle formulations in the mind and heart. Transmuting these solid holdouts is exemplified by the destructive action of The Tower card in the Tarot.

As the Tower card suggests, all new construction requires the complete breakdown and clearing of prior construction before a new building can be constructed. In our current world, even the appropriateness of the polio vaccine is being seriously challenged.  All the basic tenets of science and civilization are currently on the potential chopping block.

We are entering a science fiction novel, with characters from a Gotham-like city assuming control. I say this without judgment. This cartoon-like version of reality, with all its superpowers, is indeed forming into a solid reality. A quantum possibility is manifesting before our eyes.

What made this possible was the destruction of reigning beliefs about the nature of reality, coupled with the incessant repetition of words suggesting a potential new reality.

This incessant, destructive action upon the analytical mind is the entry point for all shamanic journeys into quantum reality. The golden opportunity of now is to employ this current collective energy of outer uncertainty inwardly, asking ourselves to suspend judgment as to what is possible, as we allow ourselves the largess to imagine a new life, freed of the limitation of prior habit.

I encourage saturation in listening to Joe Dispenza’s lengthy meditations as a practical path to quantum access. Repetition alone is extremely powerful, as modeled by the incoming president of the United States. Repetition can eradicate old beliefs and install new beliefs. As always, I suggest the intent in repetition be for the greater good.

I also suggest the practice of infinite relaxation to reach the quantum realm. The ability to relax is the smoothest exit strategy from the womb at birth.

The ability to completely relax is the smoothest transition attitude when it’s time to let go of physical life.

The ability to relax allows us the confidence and fluidity to become quantum creators of a fulfilled life.

Can we allow ourselves the divine freedom to create a new life, just as we are seeing mirrored before us in outer reality?

The year 2025 is the year of a quantum leap. Take advantage within the self to discover that everything and anything is indeed possible! Let there be no doubt.

With gratitude to all,

Joe Dispenza Meditations:
Most PowerfulMorning Meditation – 35 minutes
You are the Placebo Meditation – 58 Minutes

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 16, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Flexibility is one of the finest attributes to possess, the ability to flex, to shift and go with the flow, to be ready at any moment to take up where life is leading and move in a new direction without resentment or regret. Flexibility is one of the most important assets in a changing world, for who knows for certain what will arise and ask for attention. One day it may be one thing and the next another. Flexibility asks that we let go of control and see where the energy of life really wants us to go. It asks that we trust Spirit and be in awe of what comes next.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 11, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Don’t forget to remain in awe. Look around you and be in awe of all that has thus far unfolded in your life. Be in awe of all that you have accomplished, of all the dreams you have already fulfilled. Be in awe that so much more is still possible. Be in awe of the possibility of change coming your way every day whether by intent or chance. Be in awe of your beautiful self forging into each new day with hope in your heart and kindness on your tongue. Be in awe of the world around you as you embrace life wholeheartedly.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne