Tag Archives: love of self

Soulbyte for Thursday June 3, 2021

When the mind begins to spin, telling you tales of worry and woe, when it speaks of disaster and intrigue, of sorrow and loss, when it tries to hook you into believing what it has to say, remind yourself that the mind in that case is but an old recording and that it does not have your best, evolutionary intentions in mind but only seeks to keep you its captive. A captive of the old mind is a lost soul. Instead of playing its old recordings switch it off and bask in the bliss of new ideas, new thoughts of positive and enchanting change, for change is good and it is what will ultimately set you free from the captivity of your old ways. And remember, use love for yourself as your fuel of change, for that too is the way to freedom.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 31, 2020

Choices matter. The attitude you adopt matters. What you believe matters. How you decide to view the world matters. All of these things are changeable. Each new day choices are available, new attitudes are possible, and the opportunity to view the world in a different way presents itself. Choose a path of heart, be optimistic for a change, view the world as a beautiful, loving and caring environment in which to live. Influence yourself for a change, with new ideas, and see what happens. Begin with love in your heart for yourself first and take it from there. You can’t go wrong with love as your guide.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 18, 2020

Your real goal is wholeness and freedom, wholeness within yourself, all your fragmented parts brought safely home, and freedom from fear. Your fragmented selves are all the secrets you tell yourself, all the lies you uphold about yourself. And your fear rules you, keeping you safely ensconced in your secrets and lies. Accept your wholeness, all the parts of yourself you do not like, that you reject. And acquiesce to your fears; confront them, and in the process find your wholeness and your freedom. Only then will you truly know what it means to be all that you can be. Only then will you truly know what love is. And only then will you truly have achieved something, the real work of a lifetime.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 23, 2018

Take back your projections, that which you have left with others to hold and treasure, to care for and nurture, both your fully adult self and your tender inner child self. It’s time to take back all that you are, that which you value and that which you despise about yourself. All of this equals your wholeness, that which you can tolerate about yourself and that which you cannot. You might think you are bad but you are just searching for your wholeness. It’s your spirit’s journey. Without blame or shame it’s time to bring home all that you are, to own and integrate all parts of the self, to love the self in a new way. You will never be whole until you do this for yourself, until you can bear the tension of all that you are. It’s the final shift of this phase now underway, within and without, and you are being invited to participate. This is how to do it: bring home your wholeness. Let your spirit guide you and let your body follow. Once this task is done you will be ready for the rest of life that is holding back waiting for you. Give yourself a gift today: your wholeness!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne