In the midst of chaos find balance within the self, in the heart center that knows what calmness is, for it is the center of love, compassion and kindness. How can it connect to those attributes if not from a place of calmness? Think of love and how its magic can cure anything that humans disrupt. Love finds its invisible way into other hearts where it does its good work. Stir it within the self to do the good work that it was made to do, throughout the self and throughout the world. Let love be the cure.
A star gobbles a planet in one big gulp. The far future fate of Earth is foreshadowed. At present, a fever is quite active in the body of humanity, a healing crisis intended to spark human evolution to keep pace with the extraordinary changes that lie ahead.
The elementals, those underlying archetypes of the orderly seasons, have escalated to unpredictable intensity, unleashing upon the body planet their unbridled emotions through hurricane and tornado, earthquake and volcano, flood and fire.
The elementals have been unleashed upon the soul of humanity as well, as civilized decorum has devolved into hate speech and gun violence at even the slightest innocent trespass. The planet teeters upon the fuller acknowledgement of a world war already begun.
All the brutalities apparent in the world now are the precursors to a new race of humanhood, drawn out by and matured ultimately by love.
The humanizing potential amidst the chaos of now rests with the human ego, with its free will to generate a new reality. The exercise of this sacred technology of free will is outwardly demonstrated, for all to see, by Donald Trump in his use of consistent messaging to direct the collective subconscious of America to manifest his view of reality. Though I do not condone either his message or his negative manipulation, he does offer a prime example of the use of suggestion as a powerful tool.
The power of suggestion is both awesome and terrifying. Positive suggestions can unify the world with the intent of love and compassionate survival. Exploitative suggestions can incite paranoia and a polarization that bypasses the critical judgment of civilization itself.
As without, so within. The ego’s ability to influence the subconscious manifests both our individual and collective realities. Each human psyche is a microcosm of the greater whole of humanity and as such has impact.
Every attitude we hold consciously is balanced by its opposite somewhere in the shadow of our being. With such inner opposition we are psychologically a compendium of opposing wills, presenting and confusing the subconscious with many mixed suggestions.
As Donald Trump demonstrates, the trick is to very consciously and perseveringly repeat the same suggestion to the subconscious to get results. Of course, the ego would do well to exercise critical thinking and judgment in alignment with the truth in its suggestions. The ego also has the ability to embrace illusion. The will is free to choose.
Concurrent with consistent and frequent autosuggestion to consolidate the will is the journey into the shadowland of one’s being, into encounter with opposing wills within the self. These are the Existential Kinks that Carolyn Elliot speaks of, where we discover our secret love affairs with seemingly self-destructive attitudes infused with both masochistic and sadistic emotional pleasures.
Through discovering, accepting and reconciling our multifaceted oppositional selves, we open to the possibility of a new balance within the totality of self, which can accrue to a more consolidated and loving will, represented by positive and loving suggestions to the subconscious.
A compensatory balance of opposites can in fact transmute into a complementary whole. All for one, one for all, within the self, within the great body of humanity.
In the book What Makes Us Human?, AI (artificial intelligence), having scanned all the spiritual wisdom of human literature ever written, states, again and again, that the single most important thing is LOVE. Love is the answer.
To consolidate the will to suggest to the subconscious the fullest expression of love is surely our evolutionary trajectory and savior, and it all begins with each of us, on an individual level.
It’s not that hard to be a loving being, to open your heart to giving and receiving, to being generous, compassionate and kind. It’s not that hard to practice loving others in a myriad of ways. Even when you are only giving and not receiving you are practicing the highest form of love, for what is true love if not a giving of yourself to another, to a cause, to a need in some way. Learn to love by being a giver. It is the highest form of selflessness and it is the most fulfilling action you can take.
Ego is actually Soul, boundaried. At some level it knows it is part of something greater yet it must suffer the necessary amnesia of its true origins and be limited to its identity forged in its life in human form. Once it arrives at its true place, as agent of consciousness in the greater life of its Soul, all settles nicely.
Nonetheless, boundaries are truly essential to have a truly human experience in time and space. And isn’t that why we are in the specific life we are in, to experience and advance this life, which will eventually become a part of our greater Soul’s infinite journey?
Nonetheless, while our ego is preoccupied with our human life dream, our greater Soul lives on. We cross paths with Soul in dreams, synchronicities and intuitive downloads that provide guidance and support to our student ego.
As we loosen our boundaries, we open to the wholeness of our living Soul. For instance, the simple act of releasing muscular tension introduces us to the greater wholeness of the physical body. Breathing into ever-deeper relaxation opens the door to the subtle soul, as our energy stirs and begins to vibrate.
As the vibratory frequency rises and intensifies we become one with all of nature, joining the chorus of tree frogs and cicadas. As boundaries melt away, we become very much aware of the oneness of everything in the energetic wave that we are all part of.
By practicing this simple relaxation ego learns that it is more than its current identity. Though it must be in its human life, in its solid physical body, it can connect with its multidimensional self as well, experiencing the subtle connection to its energetic home in the ongoing life of its greater Soul.
Ego can evolve during its sojourn in space/time by maintaining connection with its fuller self. All that is truly required is to give up its illusion of the superiority of its reason. More specifically, ego must allow its reason to grow beyond itself and to more deeply explore the world of its beyond-ordinary land of intuition.
Ego can also mature to release itself from the seductive grip of negativity, which offers its own kind of divinity of smoldering passion. Love, in contrast, melts all the boundaries of the multidimensional self in its acceptance of everything.
Surrounded by the powerful energy of love, the wall of defensive negativity relaxes its solid grip, and we are released to breathe in the calm energy of love.
At the deepest and most subtle levels, relax and let love permeate, within and without. As part of infinity’s greater wave of energy, love is a course corrective for the times we live in. May ego find its way to love.
Hold love within, intend it without. Boundaried and unboundaried will feel its call.
What is the spiritual purpose of the coronavirus? We ask this question as a new variant, given the name of the Greek letter, Omicron, descends upon us.
Spirit is the purest, most rarified subtle energy intent behind physical reality. Spirit intent is encoded in DNA and in the subconscious programs that attract and solidify energy into the physical forms that we are and know ourselves to be.
Nothing exists that is not, at its most subtle core, spirit. Spirit is housed in the subtle body called the soul, just as the soul inhabits the physical body during its earthly sojourn. As one spiritually progresses, one’s consciousness lives in evermore subtle bodies of spirit.
Spiritual evolution is accomplished through the successful passing of tests at various soul body stages. While in human form the soul body is symbiotically attached to the physical body, thus much of the spiritual tests in human form occur in relation to the physical plane. Someone may have to deal with a debilitating illness; someone else may have to overcome extreme shyness; someone else may have to confront rejection, abandonment, or deep loss.
The greatest test in human form, however, is to bridge spirit truth with physical life. Spirit truth, first and foremost, knows that everything that exists is part of an indivisible whole. At a physical level, we appear as distinct separate objects; at a spiritual level we are all one.
The spiritual challenge of our time is to raise our consciousness to a higher level of truth and embrace actions that bring our interdependent physical whole into harmony and balance. To accomplish this we must overcome our separatist illusions that deny our deeper spiritual truth of oneness.
While in human form we are all holograms of Gaia, Mother Earth. Our separatist behaviors, which have thrown Gaia into disarray, have been our own process of coming to know ourselves, enacted through a system of differentiation from each other, a necessary developmental step.
However, differentiation is but the prelude to union. That which has been distinguished must find its way back to its wholeness, filled with new knowledge of self, gained through self-exploration. Greater consciousness is then rejoined with its greater wholeness.
The appearance of Omicron is rocking our very fragile sense of freedom and mobility. Something greater is being asked of us than simply a return to normalcy. Yes, we so want our freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but we must raise these values to physical expression according to higher spiritual truth.
The freedom to travel and interact with the entire physical world is being transmuted to the spiritual level of truly caring for and loving everyone, and everything, in this world. Accepting physical limitation elevates spiritual connectedness.
Our collective spirit has landed in this physical world to bring the Earth into greater spiritual harmony. Symbiotically, our individual spirits are themselves being raised to higher soul body states, as we pass the tests presented in this physical world.
Progression is the ultimate law of spirit. Astrologically, both Pisces and Aquarius have Omicron stars in their constellations. For Pisces, it’s a big yellow star, for Aquarius a blue one. We have moved now from 2100 years of Pisces domination into the Age of Aquarius.
Pisces represents the goddess and god of love, Aphrodite and Eros, bound together as two fish in the sea, hiding out from the destructive shadow of Typhon, the personification of violent volcanic forces. Love has been safely protected in the time of Pisces but now is being challenged to rise out of the protective sea into the air of greater spiritual realization, into the water jug of Aquarius, the water bearer.
With such exposure, love cannot help but encounter its shadow in Typhon, cruel and power hungry. This is the collective test of our time, to overcome and absorb Typhon through the purest of rarified love.
Fear not this time of testing. Take full advantage of opening to loving all that you hate. Join with the water bearer in raising the spiritual level of self and world. It’s not about seeking love but all about being love. That’s the transformation that our times call for.
When you open your heart to loving, you become a loving being. And when you are love, you become fully available to love as well.