Tag Archives: evolutionary change

Chuck’s Place: Consolidation Of The Will

Consolidate your will and be the love…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

A star gobbles a planet in one big gulp. The far future fate of Earth is foreshadowed.  At present, a fever is quite active in the body of humanity, a healing crisis intended to spark human evolution to keep pace with the extraordinary changes that lie ahead.

The elementals, those underlying archetypes of the orderly seasons, have escalated to unpredictable intensity, unleashing upon the body planet their unbridled emotions through hurricane and tornado, earthquake and volcano, flood and fire.

The elementals have been unleashed upon the soul of humanity as well, as civilized decorum has devolved into hate speech and gun violence at even the slightest innocent trespass. The planet teeters upon the fuller acknowledgement of a world war already begun.

All the brutalities apparent in the world now are the precursors to a new race of humanhood, drawn out by and matured ultimately by love.

The humanizing potential amidst the chaos of now rests with the human ego, with its free will to generate a new reality. The exercise of this  sacred technology of free will is outwardly demonstrated, for all to see, by Donald Trump in his use of consistent messaging to direct the collective subconscious of America to manifest his view of reality. Though I do not condone either his message or his negative manipulation, he does offer a prime example of the use of suggestion as a powerful tool.

The power of suggestion is both awesome and terrifying. Positive suggestions can unify the world with the intent of love and compassionate survival. Exploitative suggestions can incite paranoia and a polarization that bypasses the critical judgment of civilization itself.

As without, so within. The ego’s ability to influence the subconscious manifests both our individual and collective realities. Each human psyche is a microcosm of the greater whole of humanity and as such has impact.

Every attitude we hold consciously is balanced by its opposite somewhere in the shadow of our being. With such inner opposition we are psychologically a compendium of opposing wills, presenting and confusing the subconscious with many mixed suggestions.

As Donald Trump demonstrates, the trick is to very consciously and perseveringly repeat the same suggestion to the subconscious to get results. Of course, the ego would do well to exercise critical thinking and judgment in alignment with the truth in its suggestions. The ego also has the ability to embrace illusion. The will is free to choose.

Concurrent with consistent and frequent autosuggestion to consolidate the will is the journey into the shadowland of one’s being, into encounter with opposing wills within the self. These are the Existential Kinks that Carolyn Elliot speaks of, where we discover our secret love affairs with seemingly self-destructive attitudes infused with both masochistic and sadistic emotional pleasures.

Through discovering, accepting and reconciling our multifaceted oppositional selves, we open to the possibility of a new balance within the totality of self, which can accrue to a more consolidated and loving will, represented by positive and loving suggestions to the subconscious.

A compensatory balance of opposites can in fact transmute into a complementary whole. All for one, one for all, within the self, within the great body of humanity.

In the book What Makes Us Human?, AI (artificial intelligence), having scanned all the spiritual wisdom of human literature ever written, states, again and again, that the single most important thing is LOVE. Love is the answer.

To consolidate the will to suggest to the subconscious the fullest expression of love is surely our evolutionary trajectory and savior, and it all begins with each of us, on an individual level.

Love, love, love,

Soulbyte for Friday September 9, 2022

                           -Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Change is inevitable. All things evolve over time. All things undergo the natural process of a lifetime, both in nature and in human life, changing incrementally every day. Acceptance of change can take a lifetime, but one day it is no longer unseen to even the most avoidant eye. Change is life, life is change. And yet there is something that remains the same, the spirit of everything, which persists throughout all the changes that matter undergoes. And that is what evolves into new life. Pay attention to your spirit as it seeks to guide you each day through the inevitable changes of life. It knows what to do, how to be, and where to go.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 2, 2022

                                              – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Let change come into your life. Invite it in like an old friend and get to know it again, how wonderful it is to have around. Change may approach slowly or it may come barreling in. But no matter how it comes, invite it into your life, embracing it for what it will do for your evolutionary process. For that is what life and change are all about—evolving.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 28, 2022

Remember that it is of utmost importance to change, to evolve and grow, for that is the intention of every life. Though this intention may not be clear, it is activated from day one. Everyone waits for a baby to hit its growth markers, to learn to crawl, sit, walk, talk, to grow up and go out into the world. Why then do adults stop growing? Why is growth forgotten and left behind as a thing of childhood? It’s equally important for adults to grow, to change, to evolve. There is no greater charge from spirit than this evolutionary growth. Keep growing and finding your way to your own next growth markers. Your spirit will be there ready to receive you and cheer you on.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 15, 2022

There is no call to panic, no need to stress. Instead, find calmness within the self knowing that all is according to spirit’s intent, for as life unfolds so does it evolve and what you are now experiencing is evolution. With that in mind, make choices and decisions from a place of heart, from a place of quiet knowing, and from a place that is in alignment with evolutionary intent. That is the only path to now take.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne