Tag Archives: life as spiritual journey

Soulbyte for Thursday February 23, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Settle into the idea that you are spirit first and foremost and that your physical body is a temporary vehicle that you will one day discard as you venture on into new life without it. Treasure that body while you reside in it, taking care of it as you would your own child, for it is as precious as that. Just as Mother Nature takes care of all her creatures, providing them with what they need to survive, attend to yourself equally well, for you are responsible for your own body. One day you will realize your separateness, but for now strive for unity, kindness and love, for that is what will aid you the most.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 27, 2020

Think for yourself. Clear your mind of its incessant chatter that tells you this and that and listen to your heart for a new and different perspective. Communicate heart-to-heart with the stars for new words of wisdom, to the moon for knowledge, to the universe for direction. Feel your feet upon the ground and know that you exist in body as much as in spirit and yet let your spirit do your thinking now, for the spirit sees things you cannot imagine. With heart-centeredness let each day unfold in a new way now. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in a new direction, but shore that up with a new way of thinking too. Let the heart speak.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 28, 2020

When you ask for help so do with the expectation that you will receive. Trust in and know that there are helpers galore. State your intent, declare your need, with heartfelt vigor, and know that indeed you will be provided with all you need. Such is the work of the spirit within you connecting with the spirit of greater intent that supports all living life, of which you are all a part. Be intent.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 12, 2019

Find solace in knowing that your spirit loves you and is always with you, seeking your attention, pushing and prodding you, knocking you down and picking you up again. You may call such happenings accidents, fate, or mistakes, but think again. Why do things really happen to you? Who or what is behind them? Everything is meaningful; everything is for a reason. Rather than look outside of you for the cause, to blame and shame, or in resentment, look inside and know your spirit, how it works to keep you in line, in alignment, and alive. With gratitude, accept yourself as the whole mysterious, magical being that you really are, and thank your spirit, every day, for all that it does for you, no matter how it chooses to get your attention.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 28, 2019

Remind yourself often that you are energy, an energetic being capable of so much more than you think, than what you tell yourself constantly, and what others perceive you as. As an energetic being you are incredibly light and fluid, rather than densely human and heavy, without limitation. First and foremost, you can easily communicate on an energetic level. You do this already without realizing it. Pay more attention to how this happens. Energetic communication with others is easily achieved. Think of someone or some thing and wait for feedback. Let your energetic self be more fully part of your life. See what happens as you open up to this other side of yourself, your energy being self!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne