Tag Archives: magical being

Soulbyte for Thursday December 12, 2019

Find solace in knowing that your spirit loves you and is always with you, seeking your attention, pushing and prodding you, knocking you down and picking you up again. You may call such happenings accidents, fate, or mistakes, but think again. Why do things really happen to you? Who or what is behind them? Everything is meaningful; everything is for a reason. Rather than look outside of you for the cause, to blame and shame, or in resentment, look inside and know your spirit, how it works to keep you in line, in alignment, and alive. With gratitude, accept yourself as the whole mysterious, magical being that you really are, and thank your spirit, every day, for all that it does for you, no matter how it chooses to get your attention.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 23, 2019

Bring into play all that you are, the Soul being that you are, encapsulated in human form. For you are etheric as well as physical. You are all-knowing energy as well as unknowing human who must figure out life. You are a spark of light and love and yet you are inert matter too. Acknowledge and align these two selves so that they work well together, so that your journey through Earth School may be a grand success, so that your power is fully owned and utilized, your magic and your loving energy fully expressed. For all things are in you and all things are possible. Relax, breathe, and consciously accept your appointment with life as a student of Earth School. Embrace the magical being that you truly are and with determination go calmly into the world of other magical beings, more intent every day upon finding your way to fulfillment of self and purpose in the magical life you are in. Whether you believe it or not, just do it. And then see what happens! You might be surprised.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 28, 2018

You are all magical beings, imbued with magical powers. Use your magic to conjure beauty. Use your magic to amass love and be loving. Use your magic to spread the energy of kindness and compassion wherever you roam. Use your magic wisely, quietly, and always for the greater good. Use your magic to change yourself. Become an agent of change, within and without. It’s all about how you choose to use your energy—that’s your magic!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne