Soulbyte for Thursday June 13, 2019

There’s nothing wrong with you. Everything is part of your life plan. Everything is an important part of who you are and what you have decided you need to make life challenging, interesting, and evolutionary. Everything about you offers an opportunity. Everything begs to be investigated and explored for greater meaning. Everything that happens to you, has happened, and will happen is part of your life’s journey and thus everything matters. You are learning every day of your life. You are fulfilling and completing some aspect that your Soul has decided is important. Love and appreciate all aspects of yourself from your Soul’s perspective and strive also to progress each day in your body self, to find meaning, and to keep changing in a positive manner. Live life always as a meaningful journey, for that is what it is. Make each day count by doing something loving and kind, for that is what really matters, to body and Soul.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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