Tag Archives: spirit’s intent

Soulbyte for Thursday February 25, 2021

Lessons come in many forms and many ways, served up covertly or directly, subtly or profoundly, slowly or quickly. But however they come they are meant to aid you on your journey, helping you to face the key issues in your life, helping you to remember who you truly are, a spirit self in a human body who knows you fully and has a dedicated plan for you, and that plan is for you to evolve. No experience is any greater or worse than another, for all experiences have this same intent in mind, all are for your greater good. Remember this and your journey through life this time will evolve you another step along on your spirit’s journey, for it is your spirit’s journey that matters as much or more than your physical body’s journey. Entwined as they are, the spirit’s journey is by far the more important.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 4, 2021

Begin each day with an affirmation upon arising, saying to the self, “I am beautiful!” In this manner assign the self its original intent, to enter the world as a beautiful being. This beautiful self has been forgotten through the travails of life, but if you bring back this intent of beauty, you will soon find that you will remember its origin, the spirit self. This spirit self is the original beautiful you and it wants you to remember all that you are. You are beautiful!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 6, 2021

Remain committed to a path with heart. When enough people gather together in spirit for a common cause, whether for an individual, a nation, or a world, a positive outcome is more likely. When the right path with heart, in alignment with the greater intent of the Great Mother is embarked upon the result will be in alignment with a higher purpose, that which will bring about the change that is truly needed and will set the stage for true evolution. Do not give up hope for a more beautiful and loving world. Remain loving and heart centered yourself. When strongly committed to that which is right for the greater good and the good of all, all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 19, 2020

Let bygones be bygones. Begin the day fresh and anew, with heart centered focus on kindness and compassion, with the spirit’s energy of love in every thought, word, and deed. Without malice or fear, step out into the world today a little bit brighter, a little bit lighter, more open to experiencing the love you know lies buried beneath the anger you experience in others and the hatred you see expressed. Underneath the negative the positive seeks the light. Keep that in mind as you go about your day, and seek the same.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 8, 2020

Find equilibrium by staying steady upon your path with heart. Though you may be called upon, or pulled in many directions that may strain you and pull you off balance, do not lose sight of your heart’s intent, of your loving self, or of your true identity as a caring, kind being, equally concerned about your own spiritual journey as much as you are about that of another. For what other journey are you or anyone else really meant to take? A warrior keeps always in mind that it is the journey of spirit that is of uppermost importance, and the spirit’s path of heart that matters above all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne