Tag Archives: greater good

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 1, 2022

Good intentions spark more good, so keeping positive when in a bad situation has the power to turn the bad into good. Don’t give up hope but stay on the side of change that is positive and beneficial to all. Though great disruption may occur in times of great change, remain always a loving being with a positive attitude so that you are always ready to provide where you can, with not only good intentions and attitudes but with good actions as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 15, 2022

Remain centered no matter the circumstances in your own life or the circumstances in the greater world. For to remain centered within the self is to know that all will resolve in due course, that patient waiting, undertaken with a positive attitude and a heart-centered intent for resolution that will benefit the greater good, will lead to the right outcome. For the wise ones know that negativity will be smothered by the outflow of good. It’s just a matter of time.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 17, 2021

Intend peace and calm. Intend loving kindness. Intend compassionate hearts. Intend a world changing in the direction of the greater good for all. Intend happiness for all beings. Intend that the world change in a positive direction so that Mother Earth and all her creatures may live in harmony and balance. Intend a good ending and a good beginning. Intend love above all else.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday November 12, 2021

Intend a beautiful world. Intend loving compassion. Intend kindness. Intend equality and justice for all. Intend that “for the greater good of all” become the mantra for change. Intend a new and better world, but also act with loving compassion and kindness. Promote equality and justice and work for the greater good of all. In this manner change yourself and the world. Play your part in the beautification of your world, within and without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 19, 2021

Calm the body, calm the mind, and let the heart be open to give and receive, for it is the heart that is the great core of energy within the self that can act in the world for the greater good, if you learn to use it as a transmitter of love. Love is healing energy, for self and other. In calmness of body and mind, let your heart do its thing. Be loving and generous, and compassion will find its way into the world once again.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne