Tag Archives: warrior way

Soulbyte for Friday June 5, 2020

Be grateful to those who have given their lives and to those who will do so in the future in the eternal quest for freedom. Be thankful to those who have risen up and fanned the flames of inequality, showing the way now. Like never before embrace the causes of justice, equality, and truth for all of the oppressed. Do so with loving kindness and compassion, as have done all the great warriors whom have walked the earth before you and sought the same freedoms.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 3, 2020

A warrior keeps life sacred, striving always to find the next step on a path with heart, holding the self accountable, making decisions and choices in keeping with the tenets of loving kindness and compassion as part of that sacred journey. For a warrior knows that a lifetime is over in the blink of an eye, and so a warrior keeps sacred each step, each thought, each action, as if they were the last. A warrior keeps each moment of each day sacred, no matter what is happening in the outside world.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 1, 2020

When chaos reigns a warrior remains steady, taking what is happening outside as a signal to practice the warrior’s way, to work with the chaos within the self, treating it as if it were death itself seeking to attach, working through every inner fear and every moment of chill reality alike as if for the last time. A warrior knows that this too is a path with heart, that this too must be faced with the same loving kindness and compassion as a day of joy, that attention must be focused on a positive outcome. An impeccable warrior’s weapon of choice remains love, no matter the circumstance.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 25, 2020

Stay alert, aware, and on your guard at all times. A warrior knows the final outcome of life and yet lives as if there is no tomorrow, focused not on foolhardy endeavors but on what truly matters, taking to heart that every action matters, that every thought is capable of capturing attention, and that the only meaningful pursuit is a path of heart. A warrior takes life seriously and yet also knows how to play, how to laugh, and how to be free. But a warrior never forgets the goal in life is to evolve from a person who knows little to a person of knowledge, led by spirit and an internal compass that always points to the path of heart no matter what happens, within or without.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 20, 2020

Engage your intent from morning until night. Even when you dream, state your intent to change, to be a loving being, to connect with your spirit, and to express peace and happiness wherever you find yourself, in every world you enter. By your declaration of loving kindness and your intent to evolve, become the beacon of light you wish to see and know yourself to truly be. Face your inner difficulties with this same intent of loving kindness so that you may be truly free of all that now binds you. Have compassion for yourself and the life you have lived. Seek your freedom by remaining intent upon your path of heart. As every warrior knows, there is more than one way to get there, but once there, there is no turning back. Intent!

Sending you all love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne