Tag Archives: positivity

Chuck’s Place: Rising Above The Negative Swing Of The Pendulum

Love, it’s a choice…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

All of life swings back and forth, like a pendulum. Civilizations rise and fall, moods run high and then swing equidistantly low, the tide goes out and returns with equal force. This is the law of rhythm, with its inevitable cycles, as well as the law of cause and effect that insists that every action be compensated with an equal and opposite reaction.

Although we cannot stop the multitude of storms that affect our lives, we can position ourselves to neutralize their impact upon us. On the physical plane, the decision to evacuate from a coming hurricane removes us from immediate danger.

On the mental plane, reaching the place of radical acceptance for all-that-is can largely mitigate the impact of negative emotional storms upon our lives. To accomplish this, the shamans of ancient Mexico teach us to suspend judgment.

To suspend judgment means to not take offense, even when someone very intentionally targets us. Here, we seek no solace and waste no energy in excusing the offender because of some tragedy or misfortune in their lives that may have caused their actions. We fully accept the possible coldblooded intent of their behavior. We don’t seek to find forgiveness. If we are not offended there is nothing to forgive.

Shamans view all encounters in the all-that-is of human life as opportunities to hone their energy for life beyond human form, on the subtler planes of infinity. Souls that are burdened with resentments are too weighed down for subtle flight and must first take up residence in dream bardos, where they learn to lighten their load by truly letting go of all earthly strings of resentment.

Shamans use the fact that any moment could be their last in human form to arrive at an equanimous attitude of presence to every experience in life. Easy to say, but while in human form we are subjected to very powerful emotions that would have us fully drive the pendulum’s potent swing of anger right back into the heart of our offender. How do we rise above such an instinctive reaction?

My High Self immediately responded to this question by singing to me its own version of Steve Winwood’s Higher Love : “Bring me to Higher Ground!”, with the chorus belting it out louder and louder. The message, immediately channeled from my High Self, was to sing, with passion, this suggestion to my subconscious mind.

The actual lyric is, “Bring me a higher love!” My High Self ingeniously delivered two messages to catch my attention and answer my query: To rise above an instinctive reaction, going to a higher ground, and to raise my vibration to the spiritual level of non-attachment, to the place of higher love.

When we raise our consciousness to the positive vibration of love we avoid the impact of the pendulum’s swing to the negative pole of hatred. We let that negative swing pass by, refusing to participate in its call for vengeance. We neutralize the consuming impact of negativity upon our raised ego state. Of course, we might need to take firm action, but it won’t be emotionally driven from negativity, but rather from the clarity of objectivity.

This exercise of the will, to shift its fixation from the negative to the positive poll, is accomplished, in this instance, by singing, with powerful emotional exuberance, the suggestion to the subconscious mind to manifest a landing on the higher ground of love.

Once the subconscious receives the suggestion, we experience calm and clarity, as we employ our intuition and reason to guide us to action. All we truly need is love.


Soulbyte for Monday October 14, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Continue the good work of learning about yourself, how you think and act, and why. Stay the course of change that is good, in a positive direction, and for the greater good of yourself and others. When you spend the time to change yourself in a good way, you also affect the world around you in a good way. When your mood is good, you will notice that your whole day is good. And when your mood is down, your whole day is down. Continue the constant shift away from the old that no longer serves you into the light of each new day’s possibilities, and consciously choose the positive route. It will indeed serve you well in the short-term and in the longterm as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 21, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Shift away from negative thoughts, from old ideas of the self, from the constant voice that shows up only to taunt and criticize, telling you that you are doing things wrong, not good enough, not, not, not. Find new words that will lift you up and away, positive affirmations to shift you out of the doldrums. A simple new thought that is positive and endearing is all it takes, an idea that you are indeed good, better, best. Let the old slip away like an old worn out coat and take on the new as easily as you pull a blanket over you at night. For yes, you have the power to change, as easily as that!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 22, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Without fear turn your thoughts to useful turns of phrase around kindness, compassion and love on a daily basis. There is enough negativity in the world to last a century. Why not break the bad habit of constant negative chatter with a little beauty of positivity. Turn your own mind into a chatterbox of love music and emit the pleasurable sounds of kindness wherever you roam.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 19, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Choose your thoughts wisely. Let go of thinking that is negative, demeaning, critical and judgmental, of thoughts that return you to old places of undesirable self harm, self mischief or self defeat. Instead make your thoughts productive. Turn to positive mantras, prayers and creativity. Turn your mind into a productive processor that benefits yourself and the world around you. Turn your brain onto being a delightful creative machine that is enjoyable to engage. In this manner keep the changes rolling!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne