Tag Archives: affirmations

Soulbyte for Friday February 26, 2021

Reset your intentions, your hopes and your dreams each morning. Breathe in the first light of dawn and breathe out the darkness of the night. Breathe in your conscious awake mind and breathe out your unconscious asleep mind. Stir your heart with each breath in, awakening your love, compassion and kindness, breathing out your fears, disappointments and losses. Fill your mind with new dreams, with positive affirmations, and an attitude of determination. Begin each day anew in a new way and reach out for what you desire now in this life you are in. Everything is within reach.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Monday February 8, 2021

Let  your mind be calm, your body relaxed, your breath deep and cleansing as you wake up to a new day. Remind yourself that all is well, that your mind need not conjure, your body not stress, and your breath not labor because all is well. It is only the mind’s ideas that cause stress and tension, ideas that have no actual validity. Go about your day with a new emptiness and freedom, allowing yourself to smile, to breathe, and to think only positive thoughts and affirmations. Begin this way and see what happens, for you already know that the mind is your worst enemy. Make it now your best friend.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 4, 2021

Begin each day with an affirmation upon arising, saying to the self, “I am beautiful!” In this manner assign the self its original intent, to enter the world as a beautiful being. This beautiful self has been forgotten through the travails of life, but if you bring back this intent of beauty, you will soon find that you will remember its origin, the spirit self. This spirit self is the original beautiful you and it wants you to remember all that you are. You are beautiful!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 27, 2020

Strengthen the mind with positive affirmations so that the voices of old may recede and without issue no longer hold sway. Remind the mind that there are other things to think about besides the old patterns of thought, that there is creativity and magic, that everything is possible. Remind the mind to turn away from that which is negative and harmful to that which is positive and healing. The mind is pliable and weak, but the spirit is strong and flexible. Leave the old mind behind and join the spirit’s cause, to bring you to a new level of profound mystery, within and without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne