Tag Archives: spirit’s intent

Soulbyte for Monday June 7, 2021

Let change become your motto, your word of reminder each day, so that every action becomes an action of change, so that every thought becomes a thought of change, so that every idea becomes a new idea on your road to change. Change is good. Let it guide you into new life and the experience of the bliss of your spirit, which will travel with you on any road you take but which surely does love to travel a changing path of heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 1, 2021

A bad habit is hard to change, especially one that makes you momentarily happy, comfortable, and satisfied in body and spirit. But eventually a bad habit becomes a crutch, the spirit suffers, and only the greatest intent to change and the discipline to enact that change will work to unseat the unsavory habit. But why, you might ask, would anyone want to stop doing something that gives them comfort? When it’s bad comfort, the crutch is worse than the injury. A spiritual cure, though painful, is the best solution so that a new and natural state of fulfillment and balance may be achieved. A full spirit is a satisfied spirit, offering the perfect blend of sensation and balance. To truly love the self is to honor the self, in body and spirit.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 4, 2021

What is time but the slow unfolding of events in life upon the Earth, for time does not exist as you know it in the spiritual realm. Time is a gift that is given to you to work out your spirit’s intent. Each day is another opportunity to figure it out, to find the meaning in your life and to find your spirit’s purpose for the life you are in. Set about using your time today with the intention of asking your spirit to guide you, to show you what it so longs for, for it too longs for something you have not yet found.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 5, 2021

Harness the power of your Spirit rather than waste it. Use if for good, within and without. For your Spirit is the eternal, the infinite energy that comprises who you are, the energy that you feel coursing through your body, the essence of you. Get to know yourself as this energy that is infinite, capable, and interested in helping you attain all that you wish for. Your body is your vehicle through life, your Spirit the driver who knows how to operate it and get around. Let it show you where to go and how to get there. You won’t be disappointed!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 4, 2021

Spirit is guiding you all the time, trying to show you the way, trying to influence your choices, trying to get your attention. Pay attention to the subtle ways that Spirit comes to call as much as to the loud knocks or the sudden gifts. Everyday occurrences of Spirit’s call may go unheeded, but they are the ones you need the most. Pay attention. Get attuned to how Spirit speaks. Become aware. Over time you will find your way and with Spirit’s guidance may you be happy as well, within and without.

Sending  you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne