Tag Archives: habits

Chuck’s Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

While fears inhabit Spirit waits…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The word habit derives from the Latin word habitus, which means clothing or outer attire. In fact, the clerical attire of monks and nuns are actually called habits. Habit is thus a persona, which actually covers the real person. We are not our habits.

And yet, the word inhabit insists that to live in, or occupy a space, one must inhabit it. When a Spirit takes on life in human form, it must conform to the habits of that form.

At a core level, habits are instincts and archetypes that govern life in human form. These limitations control the expression of the life essence of Spirit while it resides in human form, but does not reflect the fullness of Spirit.

The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered that humans were not limited to one habitual form. Their version of shapeshifting involves the embodiment of a set of habits unique to another species. They utilize the practice of specific physical movements, called magical passes, and dreaming to accomplish these shifts. Some shamanic groups use power plants or psychedelics to facilitate these alternative perceptual experiences.

The shamans of ancient Mexico also emphasize the practice of recapitulation, or life review, to free oneself of habits that have crusted over one’s core identity and embedded it in a negative belief system. When we face our most feared issues, our energy is liberated from the constriction of defensive behaviors, allowing us to explore new possibilities of being.

The channel, Monitor, has suggested that the original intention was for the human body to live healthily until the human Spirit, that took up residence in it, had fulfilled its purpose in coming into human form. When, however, fears are suppressed and locked into body armor, the  vitality of the physical body is overtaxed, shortening its duration and ability to serve Spirit’s intent.

Humankind has currently inhabited many fears that result in belief systems that expect illness. It doesn’t have to be this way. If we truly neutralize our fears, our life essence is freed to exercise its creative potential and create the life we intended when we first inhabited human form.

The shamans of ancient Mexico fully accepted that they were beings who would ultimately die. They also discovered that they could fulfill their intention for life in human form and simply burn from within when it was time for Spirit to move on. The implication, beyond this metaphor, is that, freed of our fears, we can exercise tremendous control over the course of our living and dying.

The best preventive for illness is to create the life that aligns with our Soul’s intent. Of course, sometimes illness is integral to our Earth School tour, to advance the growth of our Soul. However, very often, illness is the byproduct of stuck fear.

Release of habits of fear redefine the human body and unleash the creative human Spirit. That’s the way it truly can be.


Soulbyte for Tuesday May 2, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

When change is the plan, some things are best let go of early, as soon as they are deemed unnecessary, while others are best taken to the bitter end. Often a habit will only release itself when it has been played to the fullest. At other times a habit may be easily dropped, for it is not of karmic importance. A karmic habit is one that sticks around and teaches you a great many things about yourself. When you have finally learned the lessons it came to teach you it will easily leave too. Keep in mind that everything has something to teach, especially that which is most persistent.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: What Do I Really Believe?

Love in the silence of personal meditation…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Matter follows thought. Thought issues from the mind. The mind is the soul’s seat of consciousness as it conforms to life in a physical body. The physical body is thus an expression of the soul, in a state of dense energy, as directed by the mind.

The mind has multiple influences upon it, the majority of which operate at a subconscious level. The core drivers of the mind are beliefs, those we consciously subscribe to, but more importantly, those we have internalized through socialization in this life, as well as those encoded in our genetics and archetypal inheritance.

Most of our beliefs operate in the shadow of the subconscious, unbeknownst to the conscious mind. We are a species that is highly susceptible to suggestion, which is merely a prepackaged thought presented to the subconscious mind, which in turn gives it material form through the body’s nervous and endocrine systems.

As the subconscious, by definition, is not a conscious thinking entity, its modus operandi is instinctive reactivity. This reactivity registers as physical sensations and emotions, which steer motor responses to actual physical circumstances or mental thoughts. The subconscious treats outer reality and the imagination identically, that is, as facts to be reacted to.

The influencers of modern social media are suggestion-producers, in the form of thoughts and images, that impact the collective subconscious and generate states of nervous activation, emotion and physical activity that then attempt to define and shape physical reality. For example, the suggestion that Ketanji Brown Jackson is soft on sexual predators becomes the internalized, felt to be, personal belief of many individuals.

Thus, many beliefs are actually not personally generated but are extrinsic mental installations that shape the conscious mind through subconscious influence. In such cases, the ego does not exercise its free will to apply consciousness in its ability to reflect and arrive at its own truth. To the contrary, it blindly accepts and follows the tenets of its internalized suggestions, where they are reacted to, as facts, by the personal subconscious.

Beliefs are also shaped by our educational systems that seek to instill a system of morality, along with tools for understanding and utility, that allow for successful navigation of life in a physical body. Thus, even our basic beliefs about the nature of reality are narrowed by the boundaries of what is considered valid exploration.

Medical treatment is largely confined to physical tests and medicines that correct the observable diseases in the physical body. The powerful effect of placebo, which completely reflects the power of a mental belief, is dismissed as irrelevant to objective reality.

Placebo actually gives evidence to the fundamental fact that, as a person thinketh, so do they becometh. Matter, the state of physical reality, is first and foremost shaped by our beliefs, shaped by inheritance, instinct, experience and karma. The royal road to discovering those beliefs is meditation.

To take true ownership of our physical reality we must illumine the beliefs that subconsciously operate within us, and determine their validity. In the still of meditation we observe how thoughts arise and impact our nervous and glandular activities. We discover the subtleties of beliefs upon the matter of our own physical bodies.

As we calm the subconscious reactivity of sensation and emotion, as well as the free flow of thought, in meditation, we move beyond the defining influence of the subconscious and are opened to the spiritual center of the higher self.

From the meditative position of detached observer we enter the subtle realm of energetic reality. We notice sensations arising spontaneously from the energy centers of the various chakras. We are treated to the experience of vibrational reality, where we can ascend into the quiet and calm of heightened spiritual awareness. We discover ourselves as energetic beings. We discover our higher selves.

At the heart chakra we are led to energetic truth and love, the one true energetic reality. Love is the binding glue of the oneness of all that is. All can experience this truth in the silence of their personal meditation.

As well, all that is untrue and negative will arise in meditation, where the opportunity arises to cleanse oneself of the the limiting beliefs, or habits, that have by default, defined one’s life.

Aligning one’s consciousness and free will with the truths of this spiritual, or energetic center, of the heart, sets the stage for manifesting the heart’s true content. Through the letting go of untruths, we clear the channel for pure love to flow through and into our physical reality.

Belief then becomes knowing. Knowing thoughts generate energetic and physical harmony. Harmony is the next stage of our human evolution.

Meditate, meditate, meditate, and all will be well, within and without.

Intent on Knowing,


Soulbyte for Thursday July 1, 2021

It’s never too late. It’s never too late to change, to find what most interests and yet eludes, to advance in some way so that your time in Earth School may be fulfilling and gratifying. It’s never too late to change your mind, your attitude, your thoughts, your behaviors. It’s never too late to become who you really want to be. It’s never too late to change so that your life will have meaning and purpose, and so that you can truly say, I have walked my path of heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: I Want

Spirit wants matter…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In the beginning was  Intent, and Intent attracted to it a material world and all life in it. Intent, as represented in thought and image, is the magnetic blueprint that draws to it the material life we are in. One “I” of “I want” is the intent of our spirit  that has drawn to us the physical body we don during our human journey in this world.

Our spirit body, the home of intent, is composed of our high self, ego self, and subconscious self.

From the high self is delivered the blueprint for the life we will enter. This encapsulates our spirit’s intent, our mission for the life we are in.

The ego is the seat of our individual consciousness that allows us choice, our personal connection to intent, within the life of our spirit’s design.

The subconscious is the home of the desire body that, through the law of attraction, transforms suggestion (spirit) into physical existence (matter). When the subconscious is given the suggestion, “I want,” it automatically prepares the body to receive and act to produce the desired outcome.

The subconscious is a highly sophisticated manufacturing and maintenance facility. The subconscious is nature’s brain. The subconscious automatically operates all physical systems and cycles of life, without consciousness, in the human body.

The subconscious does not think, it follows orders. Its inborn orders are the genetics, instincts and archetypes that govern a specific species. The subconscious also has access to the akashic library, the reservoir of all human experience and knowledge, past and present.

When life presents us with any circumstance, the subconscious scans its resources and activates the program it associates most specifically to the situation presented. This action is called habit; no conscious thinking involved. When we drive and someone runs in front of us, the subconscious automatically reads the danger and directs the foot to brake.

The subconscious can be influenced by suggestions beyond the dominant programs of nature. The ego can choose actions that override nature’s laws. Though we may be dead tired, we can force ourselves to stay awake. Though we are attracted to somebody, we can choose not to approach them. Though we may not be truly hungry, we can force ourselves to eat.

The ego, with its constant internal dialogue, writes programs that the subconscious obeys. Thus, if my ego tells itself that it is inferior, the subconscious activates neurotransmitters that provide it with a depressed mood.

The subconscious also receives the suggestions that spirit forces seek to deliver to us. The universal law to progress, in this life and beyond, is to be helpful to those whom one can truly help. Spirits beyond human life, who have evolved and have guidance to offer, known as spirit guides and guardian angels, constantly offer helpful suggestions to our subconscious minds, the medium that receives their subtle energetic impressions.

These suggestions suddenly burst forth upon our ego consciousness in the form of images, thoughts, intuitions, inspirations and wants that the subconscious presents to the ego as it awaits orders. Often the ego is unaware of the origin of these offerings ushered upon consciousness by the subconscious acting as medium to spirit.

Frequently, the ego takes credit for these creations in an inflated state of grandiosity. Nonetheless, consciousness is given the opportunity to examine the suggestion and choose a course of action. However, the ego must choose wisely, as not all suggestions are the offerings of benevolent spirits!

Just as the living human race is challenged by greed and self interest, so is the spirit world populated by souls at different levels of development. Many a departed soul clings to life in this material world through association with the physically living. Though their suggestions might appear desirable, their human impact might prove detrimental. Choose wisely.

To return to the phrase ‘I want’, we do well to question who the ‘I’ is within us. Suggestions abound from the spirit world, and the material world, in the form of subtle marketing suggestions. These suggestions are impressed upon the subconscious, with many rising to the level of consciousness, for review.

To really claim ownership of ‘I’, consciousness must own and agree to the suggestion. This is called acting responsibly. Acting without conscious reflection is ego signing up for a temporary state of possession. Though the ego remains responsible for its actions in this case, those actions are likely irresponsible.

When ‘I want’ chooses with consciousness, for the greater good of self and other, we can be certain that the ‘want’ is the desire body acting to manifest the intent of the higher self in the flow of our human life. And that is what I want!

I Want the greater good,
