Tag Archives: body mind and spirit

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 17, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

A good barometer of how you are feeling is to check in with your body rather than with your mind. Your mind might tell you one thing and your body something else. Which is more honest? The mind has a tendency to explain, complain, and conjure, to trick, but the body does not lie. Tune in to your body more often and ask it what it needs, what it has to say, and what it has to offer. It might decide that one direction is better than another, that one decision is better than another, that one plan is better than another. Of course, the body, like the mind, can quickly change, so be alert and go with the flow!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 12, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

You are one complete interconnected unit of energy and when one area or part of you is not well the whole of you suffers. Protect your energy. Seek balance and harmony within the self at all times, questioning everything as to whether or not it is right for you, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. How are you being affected? What can you really handle? Pay attention so that your inner world is in harmony at all times. In so doing, your experiences in the outer world will be equally in harmony.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Learn To Think In Optimistic New Ways

Restore your innate optimism…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Seth, whom Jane Roberts channelled, spoke of an innate body optimism that we are all born with. Both Jan and I immediately had the thought of birth trauma, the body’s welcoming birth committee of perinatal challenges, that Stan Grof has so thoroughly delineated.

Almost immediately, our query was answered when Seth gave the analogy of a child’s birth being equivalent to the first opening of the petals on a flower.* Regardless of the effort or trauma experienced in arriving at new life, that innate impetus toward life propels us to open to it. We are born optimists.

Seth goes on to suggest that this innate body optimism always moves toward health and healing. What brings in disease, issues from the mental plane of existence in the form of thoughts that limit our inherent optimism and instruct the subconscious mind to generate feared states of being.

These limiting beliefs are derived from the overarching socialized belief in the inevitable breakdown of the physical body, which is marked by the occurrence of predictable medical conditions throughout the course of the life cycle. In fact, many diagnostic tests are indicated to be performed as one reaches certain ages, subtly reinforcing the inevitability of decline. These are the suggestions that often manifest disease.

Medicine has yet to discover the power of the mental plane to both generate and cure disease. In fact, it remains staunchly prejudiced by a material perspective in its healing prescriptions. A typical course of treatment requires some form of pharmacological medicine or surgical intervention to restore health.

Psychology suffers a similar prejudice in its approach to healing. For instance, no academic discipline for the mental healing professions teaches dreamwork. Dreams are the messengers of the soul, which deliver to us the cause and cure of our ailments. Psyche means soul in Greek. How can one learn about psyche if they don’t consult the soul?

The soul, like the body, is inherently optimistic. Dreams are the soul’s attempt to keep us in balance, as they take us deeper into our mystical journey of life. Our mental rejection of  the value of dreaming largely emanates from the ego dimension of the mental plane.

The mental plane is the spirit plane, and the ego is the part of that plane that is largely identified with the physical body, which it is primarily assigned to navigate. The soul, which issues from a much more subtle dimension of the spirit plane, views life from a far vaster energetic perspective, which includes both body and soul. Thus ego, though itself a part of soul, actually identifies itself with the body and therefore rejects its life on the spirit plane.

Learning to think in new ways begins with linking to our inherent optimism of both body and soul. The ego, through its internalized limiting beliefs, coupled with the ever-present drone of its internal dialogue, constantly bombards the subconscious mind with negative suggestions. For healing to progress, ego must align its intent with the optimistic healing powers of the body and soul.

The subconscious mind is also part of, and located in, the soul on the spirit plane, right at the crossroads of spirit intent and material energy. The subconscious is a magical factory. It transforms spirit suggestions into material objects and reality. Therefore, it might take a negative thought suggestion as its building plan, from which it emotionally manufactures a depressed mood that then registers in the body as physical inertia.

Negative thoughts, over time, become strong habits that are reflected in the posture and condition of the physical body. Dreams, in their unique symbolic language, offer commentary and solutions to overcome the detrimental impacts of these diseased mental habits. Dreams can restore the innocence of one’s inherent optimism, which is bathed in the energy that anything is possible.

When we open to our dreams and take responsibility for the quality of our internal dialogue, by presenting optimistic suggestions to our subconscious mind, we realign both our body and soul with the optimism of health and healing.

We must understand that, yes, when we came into physical incarnation we had an intent to explore a facet of life that would likely land us in adversive circumstances that would traumatize our body and soul. Trauma is a necessary entree into deeper life exploration, which must be transgressed. However, beyond trauma is the much greater energy of body and soul optimism, which always points toward the true north of health, growth and fulfillment.

When we view all circumstances in our life with the equanimity of an underlying optimism, that is sure of mastery and ultimate fulfillment, we indeed learn to think in new ways.

Value your dreams and optimize your optimistic suggestions. May this open you to pure innocence and awe, and one hell of a fulfilling life.

With great optimism,

* The Way Toward Health by Jane Roberts, A Seth Book, p. 69

Chuck’s Place: Sense And Circumstance

We are multidimensional energetic beings…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

We are multidimensional beings. At the purely physical level of existence, we perceive our world through the five senses of our physical body.

Our ego, though actually a Spirit consciousness separate from the physical body, is largely identified with the body’s sensory inputs and the physical body itself.

Sensory data provide the building blocks and proving ground for the rational mind’s determination of what is real. Scientific method insists upon physical outcomes to substantiate truth and determine fact. If you can’t see, hear, touch, taste or smell it, it simply doesn’t exist.

Desire operates at another plane of existence. Although within a certain range it reflects the instincts and needs of the physical self, it can extend beyond the physical into emotional experiences, such as love and contentment.

Desire is also associated with the imagination, which, independent of physical reality, constructs illusions and dreams, alternative realities that preoccupy us, in addition to the desires of daily life in a physical body.

At the mental plane of existence, we can enjoy a level of detachment from the limits of both the physical senses and desire. The mind is freed to abstraction where it can study, analyze and play with the facts and illusions of both physical and nonphysical reality, as it seeks to understand the deeper principles of reality.

At the intuitive level of reality, the mind becomes a receiver rather than a doer. Thoughts, visions and circumstances reveal truths directly, without the necessity of thinking. At this level, ego accepts the existence of a Higher Self that knows and has wisdom that can deeply guide the self. This is the level where the ego truly transcends its narcissistic worldview, as it recognizes and has experiences with a being greater than itself.

The intuitive level also has access to our Soul’s more comprehensive journey through eternity. This includes past lives and an understanding of the karmic intent of its current incarnation in physical form.

These various dimensions of being are simultaneously present in every moment, though our consciousness may be largely limited to one dimension, as the other dimensions function without awareness and attention. These various dimensions of self generally interact and challenge each other at subconscious levels of existence. This is the stuff of dreams, which, through analysis, can shed great light upon the fuller state of the self.

Waking dreams are the circumstances of our daily lives. At the physical dimension, we understand outer events as the consequence of our physical actions. Thus, if I were to trip over a branch and fall, I would understand it as a failure to see the fallen branch on the path I walked.

At the desire dimension, I might judge the fall to be a confirmation of my unworthiness to be loved, or even to take up space in the physical world. In this instance, my imagination has spun an illusory story that constantly casts its shadow upon the physical events I encounter.

At the mental level, I might conclude that, yes, my attention was drawn inward and I did not see the branch, but, additionally, it might shed light upon the negative belief of the desire body and its impact upon my ability to be mindfully present. Understanding would also extend to the prejudice of the desire body and how it obscures interpretation of circumstances.

At the intuitive level, I might grasp the action of the High Self to distract my attention from the branch, causing me to fall, so that I might wake up to the veil and spiritual block generated from my frustrated desire body.

From this intuitive perspective, I feel gratitude and love for the support I am provided in all circumstances to go deeper into the truth of my Soul’s eternal journey. The shamans of ancient Mexico recommend highly that we suspend all judgments to arrive at the clarity and breadth of the intuitive dimension.

When I focus my awareness on the circumstances of the world at this time, I am impacted at all the dimensions of my being. At the physical dimension, I cannot deny the threat not only to democracy but to civilization itself, in addition to the fragile state of health of our planetary being, Mother Earth herself.

This perspective generates fear and sets up a conflict for me. As a therapist, I should do no harm by not sharing my apocalyptic forebodings. And yet, am I not remiss in my duty to validate to those who ask about the true state of things?

At the level of desire, I am well aware of the power of suggestion and its ability to attract the circumstances of its intent. From this level, I encourage the use of intent, in alignment with the greater good, to heal and change the world. I also strongly encourage that a healing intent be offered privately, canceling out the negative attractive power of self-importance.

At the mental level, I can take in the physical facts of climate change, as well as the season of Kali Yuga, a time when human civilization must live through a disintegrative state of possession by its collective shadow in order to not only survive but to also advance its evolution. This perspective affords me great detachment and objectivity.

From the intuitive dimension, I see the interconnectedness of all circumstances with equanimity. I feel blessed that my soul incarnated in human form at this magical time, as we collectively have the opportunity to intend a future that transcends the potential karma of current world circumstance.

Join that intent without announcing it. Send that suggestion to the world’s subconscious. See what happens.

With sense and circumstance,

Soulbyte for Friday December 22, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Maintain balance in all you do so that your body, mind and spirit are in balance as well. Make decisions based on whether something is right for you, whether it will keep you in balance, or at least not take you too far off so that it is difficult to reset. Sometimes the body says no in dramatic ways and sometimes its communications are more subtle. Get to know your body so you are aware of how it communicates to you on a daily basis. To maintain balance is to offer yourself a smooth ride through life, with enough energy to do the things that really matter to you. For when you are engaged in something that you are passionate about you might notice that you have all the energy in the world. And, thus, you learn what it really means to be in good balance.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne