Tag Archives: eternal self

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 17, 2021

Life is a journey that never ends, for the spirit is eternal and forever evolving. When one life ends another begins, the spirit’s evolution the main purpose. Turn to your spirit more often to gain knowledge of it and its purpose, for there is more to you than you know. For you and everyone else is eternal and thus full of all that eternity is full of. In finding your spirit you will find that you are full of knowledge and wisdom as well as eternal life.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 5, 2021

Harness the power of your Spirit rather than waste it. Use if for good, within and without. For your Spirit is the eternal, the infinite energy that comprises who you are, the energy that you feel coursing through your body, the essence of you. Get to know yourself as this energy that is infinite, capable, and interested in helping you attain all that you wish for. Your body is your vehicle through life, your Spirit the driver who knows how to operate it and get around. Let it show you where to go and how to get there. You won’t be disappointed!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 21, 2020

Guard your energy like a miser. Like someone with a secret, keep it to yourself as if it were all you owned, for indeed, it is all your spirit does have to offer. Keep it safe from harm. Protect it so that it may grow and enable you knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, so that you may gather enough of it to adventure beyond the body and discover what it can really do. Your spiritual energy is as real as you are, and yet it is more than you are. It is eternal.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 30, 2020

Take care of the body for it is the only one you get. The spirit is eternal but it too needs care, for it is so often neglected and forgotten, as life in the body dominates. Let the body have its needs in order to survive and thrive, but don’t forget to keep the spirit alive as well, giving it as much attention as the body, keeping it present and active in your life. It needs care and nurturing too, that invisible you that only wants to be known and trusted, for it has treasures to give and wisdom to impart from its eternal home. Ask your spirit to guide you. Learn to trust it, for it holds knowledge for your body as well as your soul. Just ask.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Time To Unify


When ice melts it comes together in a unified whole…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are advised to consider working on a unified self as the antidote to our personal problems as well as our world’s problems. Coexistence is fine but it is not the answer, Jeanne suggests, unity is, wholeness is, oneness is.

All that we wish for in our world must begin within the self, for if we are not a unified whole how can we possibly create an outer unified whole? The first big work takes place within!

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!