Tag Archives: inner self

Soulbyte for Monday October 31, 2022

                                  -Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Stay attuned to what is going on inside you whenever you are dealing with something going on outside of you. Check in with your inner self, your spirit, to get its reaction. You are more than just the person you see in the mirror, more than the outer self you present to the world. Your inner world is much more vast, interesting and important. So learn to pay attention to what it has to teach you. You won’t be disappointed.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 25, 2022

-Illustration © 2022 by Jan Ketchel

In times of great personal need turn inward and ask your spirit for help. No personal problem ever occurs without the involvement of your spirit, for everything that happens to you also happens to your spirit. You are one and the same, and where you may not have a solution to a problem your spirit will.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 22, 2022

Place your attention on yourself today, on your inner self, the being that you are inside, who speaks to you so kindly, who guides you with words of wisdom and action, and who knows you so well. Breathe deeply as you merge with this present and yet quiet self. Get to know this self so that you may find your balance at any time, in any situation, and during any turmoil. Breathe into your heart center and acknowledge that this self is the real you, the one that brought you life in this world, and the one who wishes for fulfillment of that life. This is you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 20, 2022

Remain contained and resolve inner issues within the self rather than project them onto others. It’s not enough to say you understand something when you really don’t, so take it inward and ponder it until you do understand it at a deeper level. When you assume without deeper contemplation you make the mistake of taking on another’s ideas. Better to avoid conflict by deeper contemplation within the Self, for the Self knows everything. You just have to go to the Inner Self to discover this.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 7, 2021

Your path of heart may not always be clear. Your mind may get in the way of  decision making and your connection to heart centered direction may blur. Learn to turn off the busy mind so that the quiet heart may speak. In quiet solitude find the peace within that will open a new gateway to communication on a new and deeper level. For when the mind gets busy with fear and worry the soft-spoken heart is hard to hear. When the mind dominates with its know-how and superiority, the rest of the self may cave to its commands, but there is so much else within the entirety of self that knows so much more than the mind can imagine. Learn to turn down the mind and tune up the knowing of the heart. In this manner change direction and find your path of heart once again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne