Tag Archives: heartcenteredness

Soulbyte for Friday January 24, 2020

Imagine calmness. Beginning with your heart, set your intent to be more open and loving, more understanding, more ready and willing to let go of old resentments, regrets, attachments, and offenses. With your calming heart, release from your mind its old ideas and thoughts, its incessant chatter, so that it becomes as calm as a still lake on a warm summer day. With your calming heart and your calming mind, release from your body what it hold so tightly, its memories, injuries, its aches and pains of old. With your calming heart, mind, and body, interact in your world and notice that you automatically exude calmness from every pore in your body, with the look in your eyes, with your voice, in the words you speak and in the actions you take. Imagine what you want and them become it.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 13, 2020

Remain steady upon your path of heart, your path of change, your path of inner resolve, and without fear face your innermost difficulties, that which catches you up and seeks to block your progress, that which turns you back upon your old thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about yourself. You are fully capable of making the changes you desire. You are fully capable of fulfilling your own dreams. You are fully capable of finally taking charge and reforming your own life and yourself into a new life and a new self. You are capable of not only dreaming a new dream but of enacting that new dream, one day and one step at a time. Dream on with your good new dream of you uppermost in your mind, with that good new dream of you filling your heartspace, and with that good new dream of you the positive force behind every act you take. With love and determination, dream on, for you are more than worth it. And without a doubt, you can do it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 17, 2019

Settle into the calmness of your own heart center and rest assured that it will carry you forward with sobriety, goodness, and sweetness; that its steady beat will keep you attuned to the steady beat of nature all around you, and that it will guide you well. No matter where you live, no matter your circumstances, you have access to this inner resource. This is the real nature you seek, the natural energy of loving kindness that permeates everything, that flows through the universe and into you too. Let your knowing heart be calm, and let yourself be assured that you are safe within yourself, with your knowing heart as your guide, your teacher, your friend. The great heart of the universe, to which you all belong, beats for all. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday December 9, 2019

There comes a time in every life when there is no other choice but to let go of that which has been most important and to shift into a new phase of life, because there is no other option. Whether change happens by known circumstance or by sudden happenstance does not matter. What does matter is how you choose to deal with this inevitable choiceless change. You can refuse it, but to no avail, or you can accept it to your advantage. Inevitable change is natural, inherently positive in its intent, and invariably will lead to some kind of new life, new energy, new direction. Embrace your own inevitable change with passion, love, and heart centeredness so that your journey may proceed with balance, eagerness, and joy. It’s never too late to renew a love for life, to exude a vigor for what it offers, and to enter a blissful state, for your spirit is always young and eager for you to enjoy life to the fullest. Don’t be afraid. You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain, for life, in all its forms, only wishes you the very best.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 5, 2019

Let yourself be calm of heart though there is turmoil in the world. Let yourself be still within though there is chaos without. Let yourself be kind and gentle though there is much harshness to contend with. Bring with you wherever you go the Buddhic principles of loving kindness and compassion so that others may feel their touch. For the good of all, be one flame of loving kindness and compassion among many flames of divisive energy. For the good of all living beings, carry within the knowledge that all things change, one person, one kindness, one compassionate deed at a time. Practice these principles to your heart’s content.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne