Tag Archives: inner strength

Soulbyte for Friday March 3, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Take full responsibility for the self, for what you think, say and do, for how you choose to act in the world and how you take care of yourself. No one else can take care of you, guide you or show you the correct path if you have not done work on yourself and are prepared to take over your life. Childhood is a time of structure and guidance to teach you how to take over in adulthood. Some children are neglected or abused and not well supported while others are showered with gifts. Your beginning matters only in what you do with it. Either it catapults you or stagnates you, but even that is up to you. Do you see the glory in every deed done for and against you, and the grand opportunity being offered to take over your own growth and progress? Ah, life! Isn’t it grand?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 19, 2022

A combination of strength and softness, power and might combined with love and kindness will help you gain balance without being too hard on yourself. Steadiness, without holding yourself back from where you need to go, will bring you into better alignment with the changes that are necessary in your life. Look to the inner strong self while you also pull out your inner kind and loving self to be at one within the self. Let love guide you to be strong in the right way.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 30, 2020

In changing times let not the self get lost in its vicissitudes, its patterns of behavior, or its old ideas but keep it primed and ready. Train it to trust in the changing times as the new path, as the gateway to change that is necessary, bringing down that which is no longer viable and replacing it with that which is sustainable for a new age. In such times a warrior knows how to act, with loving kindness for self and other, the old and the new alike, for a warrior knows that everything matters, but a warrior also know that only that which is most necessary and important moves forward into new life. Stay strong, and in the warrior’s way, stay loving and kind too.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 27, 2020

Stay positive. Attitude is everything. A positive attitude overcomes even the most unlikely of foes. When the unimaginable strikes, remember the lessons of the ancestors and the strengths they exhibited in order to not only survive but thrive. A positive attitude never hurt anyone and in fact may be the only antidote to adversity. In times of stress and pain, look inward and pull up the attitude of a warrior, to whom nothing is too much or too challenging, for a warrior keeps a positive attitude through all adversity.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 17, 2020

Attain stability within in order to attain stability without, for your own inner strength is your greatest anchor in the world you reside in. If you are strong and secure within yourself nothing can harm you or pull you from your path of heart.  From your stable inner center comes the guidance you need to navigate life as a being of light and love, as a being of knowledge and wisdom, for yes, all of this lies within you. All beings are warriors of light and love, full of knowledge and wisdom, they just don’t know it yet, even you! What you seek really does lie within, and what you need the most you already possess. Go within and discover your inner warrior, your true self. You won’t be disappointed. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne