Tag Archives: inner strength

Soulbyte for Monday January 13, 2020

Remain steady upon your path of heart, your path of change, your path of inner resolve, and without fear face your innermost difficulties, that which catches you up and seeks to block your progress, that which turns you back upon your old thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about yourself. You are fully capable of making the changes you desire. You are fully capable of fulfilling your own dreams. You are fully capable of finally taking charge and reforming your own life and yourself into a new life and a new self. You are capable of not only dreaming a new dream but of enacting that new dream, one day and one step at a time. Dream on with your good new dream of you uppermost in your mind, with that good new dream of you filling your heartspace, and with that good new dream of you the positive force behind every act you take. With love and determination, dream on, for you are more than worth it. And without a doubt, you can do it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 29, 2019

Don’t forget to exercise your inner strength and prowess, to keep it in as good a shape as you seek to keep your mental and physical prowess. Your inner strength is your spiritual power, your magical you. Keep attuned to its nuances, its knowings, its hunches, and how it operates, for you are as much a spiritual being as you are a physical being. Tune it and turn on to the other you, the inner you, your magical spiritual self who waits patiently for you, every day, in the realms within.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 21, 2018

Make the decision to get all of you, mind, body, and spirit, in alignment, in synch with what truly is. And what truly is? The fact that you are a being who has elected to take the journey you are on is what truly is. Be well, knowing that there is a reason, that there is meaning for your life, that everyone’s life has great meaning, especially for them. Your own life, though you may not yet know it, has greater meaning than you now perceive. Extend your mind, reach with your awareness, and ask your spirit to guide and protect you so that you may find your way to discovering this meaning. In the meantime, be calm, be at peace within your heart, secure in knowing that all is as it should be in this moment. Even in turmoil decide to remain calm and centered within the self, for that is the best way to weather through any storm.

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne