Stabilize your mind with visions of beauty and bounty. Stabilize your heart with songs of love and compassion. Stabilize your body with mentions of peace and calmness. Stabilize your spirit with the breath of loving kindness so that all may be well, within and without. The power to stabilize lies within not without, the power to change for the better, to maintain stability and keep the mind clear, the heart steady, the body calm and the spirit focused. Let there be peace now, within and without, by your own power to stabilize. With loving intent, set a new course from this day forward.
Keep in balance, neither too much nor too little, neither too hot nor too cold, neither too angry nor too sad, neither too afraid nor too carefree. Keep a balance in mind, body and spirit, protective of your own health and protective of all those you share the planet with. Keep your mind focused on positive thoughts and attitudes, your body focused on health and prosperity, and your spirit directing your right actions. Keep mind, body and spirit clothed in loving kindness and compassion. In all these things, and more, keep in balance and all will be well, within and without.
Maintain balance no matter what transpires, for balance is key to attaining stability in mind, body, and spirit. Balance is key to holding onto positive thoughts and positive energy so that you may weather through all adversity with strength and fortitude. Keep a good balance in heart, mind, and spirit so that not only you remain positive but so that all you come in contact with may remain so as well. For what effects the one effects the many; all play a part in what happens to the whole.
Just Breathe… anywhere, anytime… – Photo by Chuck Ketchel
There are many phases of a recapitulation, especially a recapitulation of childhood, especially a recapitulation of a childhood of sexual or physical abuse with its many layers of psyche and soma.
Each layer needs its own separate recapitulation time. Memories are multifaceted and multidimensional, like the skins of an onion, layer upon layer of thin veils of information that must be addressed one at a time. This is one reason that a recapitulation can take a long time. But we can facilitate a recapitulation by consciously attending to each of those layers with intent and awareness, paying attention to where we need to go next by what comes to guide us.
Recapitulation is guided by spirit, that of our body and that of our high self. Dreams guide us too, and we should pay attention to where they take us; our spirit speaking to us in its own language of symbol, myth, and possibility, tapping into other dimensions of truth and fact that we may be missing during our waking life.
During my own recapitulation, I discovered how the many layers of memory came. First there were visual flashbacks. Then those flashbacks fused together into movie-like scenarios, with sounds, smells, feelings, in both physical body and emotional body. Eventually each of those separate somatic experiences required their own recapitulation, so that in the end my recapitulation became a many-layered experience, as each part of each experience took its own time to show me what it had to show me.
The body holds just as much memory, or possibly more than the mind. This is what I came to discover, that the body holds its own memories, separate and yet connected to the memories that come from the deep recesses of the mind, that which is stored in the memory centers of the brain.
These body memories appeared as stuck in my body, energy caught in various places, causing pain and discomfort, anxiety and tensions, and they often acted out real physical disabilities, such as unexplained limping, numbness, swelling, rashes, etc. Often, just the remembering and reliving of a memory did not fully release it from my physical body. Such memories remained deeply embedded in my muscles and sinews until I did something physical to urge them out of me.
I found running, walking, doing yoga, Magical Passes and breathing, Embodyment Therapy® and energy work by an energy worker helpful in releasing these memories from the sinews of the body. Massage, making love, with a partner or alone (yes, masturbation is an excellent means by which to release stuck energy); physical work, gardening, creative endeavors like painting, dancing, singing, playing music, even taking lots of soothing baths. Don’t force; do what comes naturally to you. Anything that stirs the body is helpful in addressing the deep needs of the body to release what it has stored alongside the mental memories.
If physical activity is limited, pain and incapacitation will continue. Mysterious symptoms that no doctor can explain will continue. Illnesses of no origin will continue. So, I urge all of my readers to get up off the couch, out of the bed, and onto the yoga mat. Do some exercises that appeal to you. Put on some running or walking shoes, ride a bike, do something you enjoy in order to get moving.
If physical movement is difficult, even just lots of deep breathing will begin to open the passageways to release what’s stuck; either the recapitulation breath or any other deep breathing technique will suffice. Or simply breathe consciously, with awareness, paying attention to the gentle and natural in-breath and out-breath that your body makes on its own. Breath is life; breath is healing.
Whatever you choose to do, begin slowly, proceed at a pace that you and your body can handle, but be persistent. Ask your body to show you what it needs; this is often the best way to start the physical release of recapitulation. Your body will respond and show you what it needs.
Both your psyche and your body will thank you for getting in touch at a new and deeper level. Your recapitulation will get unstuck, and you will be better prepared to handle what it reveals to you.
It will make you stronger in mind and body, psyche and soma. And your spirit will be overjoyed.
Wishing you well on your continued journey of recapitulation.
Take care of the body for it is the only one you get. The spirit is eternal but it too needs care, for it is so often neglected and forgotten, as life in the body dominates. Let the body have its needs in order to survive and thrive, but don’t forget to keep the spirit alive as well, giving it as much attention as the body, keeping it present and active in your life. It needs care and nurturing too, that invisible you that only wants to be known and trusted, for it has treasures to give and wisdom to impart from its eternal home. Ask your spirit to guide you. Learn to trust it, for it holds knowledge for your body as well as your soul. Just ask.