Tag Archives: health

Soulbyte for Thursday May 21, 2020

Pay attention to your body, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, to the head and brain full of ideas, to your belly full of fears, to your arms and hands that do, to your legs and feet that are either reluctant or eager, to your inner systems that pump life into you and keep you alive, that keep your body functioning so that life may proceed. Treat this mass of yourself well so that it may treat you well, so that your spirit may reside in a house of calmness and unspoiled beauty. When your body suffers so does your spirit. Keep both of them happy and healthy, in alignment with nature and the bounty provided. Even in times of hardship and stress, it is these two companions, body and spirit, that deserve your utmost attention so that they may remain in tune, in alignment, and fully functioning in a healthy manner upon your path of heart. Their intent is your intent. Their life is your life. Their importance is your uppermost importance too. Everything else pales in comparison. Without one there is no other. Be well.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 14, 2020

Stay in alignment with that which is positive. Be proactive rather than stagnant. Be protective rather than careless. Provide yourself with that which is healthy, nourishing, and good, for body and soul. The soul needs positivity as much as the body does. The inner person needs as much attention as the outer person does, perhaps even more. Attend to the whole self with positivity and an attitude that says, “I deserve, I am worthy, I am beauty, I am love, within and without.” Now that’s positive!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 13, 2020

With heart centered intent and the impeccability of a warrior, fight for stability, for calmness, for sense and sensibility so that all may be safe, contained and, foremost, healthy, so that this time of major change may be weathered through with the utmost amount of loving kindness, and so that compassion may remain imbued at the core of every decisive action. These simple acts, loving kindness and compassion, must remain central and all will be well. With calmness in your heart keep this in your mind and it too will remain calm.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 19, 2019

Maintain conscious awareness of your physical body, even as you strive to connect with and know your spiritual self, for both are equally important and necessary as you make your way on your journey through life. Without a healthy physical body your spirit will struggle, and without a healthy spirit your physical body will suffer. Keep them aligned with each other in healthy ways, giving each dedicated time and attention so that one does not miss the other, so that each may flourish, and so that your wholeness will never be in doubt. This is what you are so longing for, a more balanced union with self, body and spirit. In full awareness of yourself as body and spirit, may you travel on your ever-changing journey in health and happiness, knowing yourself to the fullest, achieving everything you wish for.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 19, 2019

Remember to stay physically grounded. Look at your feet to remind yourself to do this, feeling the earth beneath you, feeling yourself in your body. Maintain body awareness for health and vitality, taking care of yourself so that your inner energy is maintained along with your looks that you care so much about, along with your clothes that you keep so nice, along with your hair that you groom. What is inside, and how well kept all that you cannot see is, is just as important as all that you see and present on the outside. Staying grounded by looking at your feet will remind you of how you feel on the inside. It will remind you to make adjustments, to make right what is not right so that you are vitally alive and well, within and without, from the feet up!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne