Tag Archives: health

Soulbyte for Monday January 17, 2022

Nurture your energy with sustainable sustenance rather than with that which merely pleases. Far better to seek moderation and consistency than to overdue or overextend in any way. A moderate lifestyle encompasses everything in small amounts, creating satisfaction and balance so that all parts of the self are happy and contented. Nurture yourself, body and spirit, in this moderate way. Through a practice of moderation both body and spirit will not only happily survive but also blissfully thrive!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 14, 2021

Do a reset when body and spirit are out of synch with each other, out of sorts and misaligned, unable to find each other. Dial back activities and consume less so that the body finds its center again and the spirit finds its home there once again, within the physical. Breathe and let nature become your place of solace. Find peace in nature and bring it within until you feel at one again, whole within the self, until you feel aligned once again. Body and spirit in alignment is a state of perfect health.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 1, 2021

Breathe and keep calm no matter what difficulties arise, for the breath is your personal calming tool, the one thing you own that is free and able to bring you to a place of peacefulness. With the breath everything is possible. Get to know it and use it for calming and healing purposes. Even as it is the breath of life so is it also the breath of health. Breathe.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 19, 2021

Without judgment, ascertain what is right for you based on how your body feels, how your spirit feels and how your mind functions. If everything is not in tune, attuned, and aligned, in purpose and intent, then something is not right. Only you can truly ascertain where adjustments are needed. Is it in the body? The spirit? The mind? Find healthy ways to attend to your whole self so that you are once again, or perhaps for the first time ever, in your purest natural state of health—body, mind and spirit. To be so is to be in alignment with all of life, available for greater inspiration and creativity outside of you and inside of you. As within, so without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 16, 2020

Moderation in everything is the key to health and happiness; moderation within and without, in body and spirit, in the things you do and say, in what you eat and drink, in how you spend your energy. To moderate is to hold accountable, to curtail, and yet it is also to make sure that everything is experienced, that nothing is neglected, forgotten about, or rejected, but simply allowed, for that which is moderated out of existence will find a way to rebel. Find the calmness, peace of mind, and loving kindness you know exists in a life of moderation, in the balance of all things, within and without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne