Soulbyte for Tuesday July 28, 2020

Turn toward the light of love as the true path of heart that all are now meant to traverse, for it is the only path to personal and universal salvation. Things are changing more rapidly than you suspect. It truly is time to get in alignment with a new paradigm that takes precedent over the old ways, especially as regards the oppressed, those left behind to fend for themselves, to scramble alone. Time to bring them forward, to lift them up and let them shine in the light of love, hope, and equality. Time to make matters of the heart matter for all. Those who are oppressed are the most important among you now, for they are showing you the true path of heart, now so important and necessary. Love for one, love for all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 27, 2020

Leave your troubles at the door as you shut your mind, open your heart, and enter into a loving place within yourself, where the only words are words of gentle encouragement, where the only thoughts are thoughts of positive enhancement, where the only sounds are sounds of your own breath reminding you of your connection to nature, the Great Mother within and without. Remind yourself often of this connection as you remain heart centered and loving, as you follow your bliss and seek enlightenment, equanimity, and all that you can be. For you are one with the Great Mother, who loves and guides you in all you do, though you may not yet know her. Stay in her loving kindness. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Psyche & Soma

Psyche, in Greek, means soul or spirit, especially that part of the soul which manifests in the mind, in the conscious and unconscious parts of our wholeness. Soma refers to the body, especially to the nerve cells of the body. Psychosomatic is a combination of these two root words, meaning that which the spirit manifests in the body.

In my books, comprising the series called The Recapitulation Diaries, I write often about the incessant pain in my body. As real as the pain was, excruciating and debilitating at times, I discovered that it was really messages from my spirit, my psyche, directing me to what needed attention as I progressed on my journey. I discovered that during recapitulation what is manifesting in the body must be explored.

At first, I had almost every pain checked out by one doctor or another. I was doing this long before I even knew about recapitulation or began my journey of change and transformation. I’d go to a doctor and describe my pain, but there was never any diagnosis that those doctors could come up with to pinpoint what was causing the pain.

When I was in my early forties, I developed a skin cancer, a small red spot that turned out to be two types of cancer, basal cell and squamous cell. It’s unusual to have two types of cancer manifesting in the same area, the doctor who did the biopsy told me, but as soon as I had developed the red spot, and as soon as I was informed that it was cancer, I knew immediately that it had nothing to do with my exposure to the sun as a child, as was repeatedly questioned. I knew it had to do with what was festering inside me, that there was something much worse, that that little red dot was just the beginning of something far greater.

I knew, instinctively, that I had some dark thing inside me that I had been trying to forget my entire life. By the time I was forty, I had been pretty successful at forgetting, though I suffered in numerous physical, mental, and spiritual ways. That small red spot was just another indication that I might have to remember.

It was then that I acknowledged that my psyche was hiding something from me. It had protected me up until that point, but if I was to not get more skin cancer, or any other disease, I knew the time had come to face what it really meant. It took another five or six years before I finally took the leap, the leap into my own darkness and what lay there waiting for me to discover.

Pain is an indicator that the body has something to tell us. It might indeed be that we have a serious illness, or it might be that it is trying to protect us from that which we do not want to know. Pain can be a defense against that which is too painful to know.

As I recapitulated, I began to look at the pain in my body as a message from my spirit. I would ask it to show me what it knew, to guide me where to go next. I developed nerves of steel so I could face what my body had to tell me, what it knew and what it meant.

As I faced the pain and asked my body to be my guide, I also discovered that I always had the strength to face what it had to show me. I knew that it would not be asking me to face it if I was not ready. Whenever the pain showed up, and it showed up incessantly, relentlessly right to the very end of my recapitulation, I used it to heal.

That’s a strange idea, to imagine that our pain is actually our healing balm, but it’s true. Without my pain showing me what I needed to face I might not have freed my spirit and my body from the torment of years of abuse that had been so well-hidden inside me.

I often thanked my body and my unconscious for showing me what it knew, for revealing to me the truths not only of my own past but the truths of what the spirit and body are truly capable, how they inform and guide, how they really only want us to heal and discover the magical beings that we all are.

Even today, I still use my psyche and soma to guide me. I constantly question any pain I might have. Often, I realize, it is what I call “stuck energy,” a thought, idea, or attachment, a conjuring of the mind that I’ve latched onto that does not belong to me, stuck energy that needs to be moved along and out of my body, tension that when allowed to naturally release brings instantaneous relief.

Or it might be something that my psyche, my spirit wants me to be alert to, something that needs recapitulation. Perhaps one of the biggest lessons of recapitulation is that we are always being asked to grow and evolve, to confront our deepest issues and resolve them so we can move on into even greater freedom.

Our minds and our bodies, our psyche and soma, are amazing partners as we take our journeys through life, as we seek to know ourselves at the deepest of levels and as we seek to find the meaning in our lives.

I highly recommend any of the books by Dr. John Sarno, especially The Mind Body Prescription, as guides to understanding how psyche and soma work together to bring us to consciousness, to help us heal.

Our defenses are incredibly strong but our spirit is stronger. That is what we discover as we recapitulate.

I wish you all well on your journeys, and I send you love,

J. E. Ketchel, Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Soulbyte for Friday July 24, 2020

Enact change within yourself by setting your intent to a new position. Shift volitionally on an inward basis. Tell yourself a new story about yourself. Switch from negative inner talk to positive inner talk. Consciously seek a new line of reasoning so that your unconscious self will pick up on it and give you new signals, references, and suggestions. You are a unit under your own control. You have the power within you to change yourself. Once you learn this you can learn the best methods by which to speak and interact with that unit. Begin with the loving kindness you wish to see in the world around you. Begin by being loving and kind to yourself so that the loving kindness you wish for in the world may manifest in a truly powerful way. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 23, 2020

There is a big difference between the light and the dark, between those who carry the light of love and those who carry the torch of hate. All beings carry both within themselves but some choose to exemplify the love while others choose the hate. It’s a matter of choice and there is no one else to blame except the individual. To choose the light of love is by far the higher quality, yet the hate must be acknowledged as well, for if it is not it will fester beneath the light and one day rise up. In balance within the self, acknowledge both the light and the dark so that the light may have more power and the love greater truth, while the darkness and the hate may lie satisfied beneath it all that it has been well attended to. In this manner, a true path of heart will never be disturbed and love may indeed lead the way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne