Chuck’s Place: Return of the Light

The inevitable return of the light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year. At a certain level they are all interchangeable synonyms of the same event: return of the light. These events symbolize bringing forth new life, and in one form or another the human species is transported, by such events, to the experience of awe. These events create a natural bridge to the magical side of life.

The polar opposite of awe, and the human being’s greatest achievement, has been its ability to fixate upon reason, the main pillar of modern civilization. Reason breaks down the world into units that defy awe. With pure reason there’s no such thing as magic. Without magic, however, humanity loses its soul. Modern humans are truly beings in search of their soul.

The appeal of modern charismatic world leaders is their messianic capacity to channel awe. Anger that knows no limits is one ticket to infinity. The appeal of the energetic thrill of the shrill has swept the world. Reason shrinks in its ability to shield one from the draw of such passion. Even the most reasonable beings are unwittingly drawn into the madness of their passionate defense of reason.

Starved for immersion in the ocean of awe, humanity is currently gripped in a tidal wave of emotion. Tidal waves are unstoppable forces of nature, but, like wildfires that require fresh wood to continue their passionate burn, their time is truly limited, though there may be much destruction in the interim. All things do pass.

Currently, reason has become the fuel of awe. The irrational dominates the rational, the time of darkening of the light. In the time of darkening of the light, the guidance is to shield and tend the small candlelight of reason in the safe cave of the heart. In the time of the return of the light, the guidance is to be patient; the return of the light is inevitable.

The magic of this moment is awe inspired by the light of consciousness. Reason and awe needn’t be strange bedfellows. We are in an evolutionary advance now, charged to become more fully our magical energetic selves, with the light of consciousness as our guiding light, charged to explore beyond the limits of reason, yet with reason at our side.

May reason embark upon the dance of true fulfillment with us all. May awe be navigated by reason. Wishing all a safe, ecstatic, and fulfilling return of the light.

With Reason and Awe,


Soulbyte for Monday December 23, 2019

Stay on the path of truth and healing, on the path of spirit and growth, on the path of heart and loving kindness. You can’t go wrong if you stay in positive mode, in the direction of hope, seeking what is right and good. Seek not only for yourself but for all beings, and with your heart turned outward, remain intent upon being giving and loving, knowing that if that is all you have to give, it is enough. With patience and a positive attitude, stay focused on all of that and you will not be disappointed.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 20, 2019

It takes a long time to change, for real change is an evolutionary process. Have patience with yourself and the world around you as you enact change in your life, one incremental step at a time, knowing that each day change is in your power. It is your most solemn duty as a warrior. It is your most healing balm, your road to freedom. Enact change, one day and one step at a time, and with the patience of a warrior carry on, certain of your goal, for a warrior always keeps the goal clearly in mind, patiently.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 19, 2019

Maintain conscious awareness of your physical body, even as you strive to connect with and know your spiritual self, for both are equally important and necessary as you make your way on your journey through life. Without a healthy physical body your spirit will struggle, and without a healthy spirit your physical body will suffer. Keep them aligned with each other in healthy ways, giving each dedicated time and attention so that one does not miss the other, so that each may flourish, and so that your wholeness will never be in doubt. This is what you are so longing for, a more balanced union with self, body and spirit. In full awareness of yourself as body and spirit, may you travel on your ever-changing journey in health and happiness, knowing yourself to the fullest, achieving everything you wish for.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 18, 2019

Be generous, even in small and simple ways. Let your heart be open and giving, with a smile, a helping hand, a kind thought. There is always someone or something needing kindness; another person, an animal, even a physical place may need a generous touch. Generosity comes in a softly spoken word of encouragement, a gift unasked for, a surprise in the mail. Fill your heart with giving kindness so that you may fill someone else’s life with something special, not out of duty or habit, not out of pity or shame, but because it makes your heart happy to give. Give not to receive something in return, nor to show off your giving self, but give only because you can, because giving is what it’s really all about, all the time. Give anonymously, with love, expecting and needing nothing in return. That is real generosity.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne