Tag Archives: positivity

Soulbyte for Monday September 14, 2020

Maintain balance no matter what transpires, for balance is key to attaining stability in mind, body, and spirit. Balance is key to holding onto positive thoughts and positive energy so that you may weather through all adversity with strength and fortitude. Keep a good balance in heart, mind, and spirit so that not only you remain positive but so that all you come in contact with may remain so as well. For what effects the one effects the many; all play a part in what happens to the whole.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 2, 2020

Abide in knowing that all things change, that even this time will evolve, that even the most discouraging situations must come to a natural end. A warrior precipitates change by intending it within the self, by setting intentions for positive outcomes, by turning inward and enacting slow and subtle changes within the self. A warrior asks the tough questions circulating without of the self, so that everything that is happening in the world becomes a personal issue to be resolved within. In this manner a warrior reassembles the chaos into a clear route to personal positive change, from that which is seemingly impossible into something totally possible. For a warrior everything is possible.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 28, 2020

Everything is possible, the good, the bad, and the seemingly impossible. Adopt an attitude of openness and wonder, dropping old ideas that restrict and bind. A warrior knows that the first step in changing the world is to change the self. Begin by changing what you tell yourself. A simple positive approach, rather than the usual negative approach will do wonders. A sensitive look at who you have become, largely because of all the things you tell yourself, will help you see how you have developed into the being you are today. Be honest, be direct, and be lovingly truthful with yourself. Strain the negative speak, the negative thoughts, the negative intentions from your life, and begin anew with fresh ideas, positive words of wisdom, new truths that invite the impossible everything into your life. Begin with that!

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 14, 2020

Stay in alignment with that which is positive. Be proactive rather than stagnant. Be protective rather than careless. Provide yourself with that which is healthy, nourishing, and good, for body and soul. The soul needs positivity as much as the body does. The inner person needs as much attention as the outer person does, perhaps even more. Attend to the whole self with positivity and an attitude that says, “I deserve, I am worthy, I am beauty, I am love, within and without.” Now that’s positive!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 3, 2020

Watch what you think. The mind can catch you unawares and captivate you with grand illusions or lowly delusions alike. It can persuade you of anything, make you think things that are totally untrue, keep you a slave to its thoughts, ideas, and conjurings. The heart, however, speaks only one language, the language of love. Turn from the busy mind to the quiet of the heart and let love guide you. Fixate upon its honesty and truth over the fixations of the mind and you will have peace of mind as well as calmness of heart, for the heart knows more than your mind can think.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne