Tag Archives: equanimity

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 17, 2020

Keep the light of hope alive. Keep the light of change alive. Keep the light of prosperity for all alive. Even in the darkest of times do not let the light go out. Keep a spark of spirit always lit within the self. And within that spark keep your love alive, keep your dream of peace and happiness alive, keep your visions of equality and equanimity alive. One day peace will come, justice will come, and love will reign. Keep all that alive.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 4, 2020

Remain heart centered in your intent, with compassion for yourself too, for though you may not be perfect you can still strive for perfection, and though you may not be fully in the place you want to be you can continue your quest for the self you know you are. All that is happening outside of you is reflected inside of you; the discontent, the inequality, the anger, the fear, the greed, the bigotry, the great need for change. The entire world is in an uproar. Do not let this uproar go to waste. Within and without, dare to change so that equanimity may be achieved, so that all may flourish, so that peace may come. A warrior knows that an opportunity like this may not come again for a long time. With loving kindness and compassion for all beings, a warrior does not let this time of great opportunity slip by. Begin by changing the self.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Deep Guidance for Now from The Mother

“…Suppose someone insults you; if in the face of these insults, you can remain immobile (not only outwardly, I mean integrally), without being shaken or touched in any way: you are there like a force against which one can do nothing and you do not reply, you do not make a gesture, you do not say a word, all the insults thrown at you leave you absolutely untouched, within and without; you can keep your heart-beats absolutely quiet, you can keep the thoughts in your head quite immobile and calm without their being in the least disturbed, that is, your head does not answer immediately by similar vibrations and your nerves don’t feel clenched with the need to return a few blows to relieve themselves; if you can be like that, you have a static power, and it is infinitely more powerful than if you had that kind of force which makes you answer insult by insult, blow by blow and agitation by agitation.” -THE MOTHER

-From Powers Within, Selections from the Works of SRI AUROBINDO and THE MOTHER

Soulbyte for Friday May 29, 2020

Remain heart centered. Through thick and thin remain intent upon a path with heart, for you in your intent provide the right energy for the possibility of positive change. Remain heart centered in everything you do so that nothing is left to chance or happenstance, so that all whom you encounter are equally embraced, so that all you do is equally spirited, so that all you intend is equally envisioned. With your focused heart centered intent a changed world for the greater good is definitely possible.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 10, 2020

It’s a good time to decide what is essential, what is really necessary in your life. What do you want that is most important, practical, doable, and primarily essential? Is it love? Honesty? Kindness? Or is it things? Objects? Money? Are you on a spiritual path, a path of heart? Or are you more interested in the human path, a path of materialism? No matter the path, it’s time to get down to bare essentials and decide just what it is that you really want, how to get it, and how to be satisfied with just that, the essentials, because it’s time to share, to spread the wealth, to give as much as you take, to treat all with equanimity, no matter the path you choose.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne