Tag Archives: discipline

Soulbyte for Thursday July 11, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Remind yourself often of your ultimate goal so that it is never far from view. With it fixed firmly in your mind’s eye, hold it sacred and with determination so that your attention does not waiver from it. All goals and intentions require a certain amount of determined and focused energy, as well as discipline, if they are to be realized. Hone your attention each day to your goal, and with determination and discipline take another step forward. Before long the discipline will accompany you without your even noticing it because results will begin to flow toward you and your goal will seem readily available. In the beginning, however, stay the course with determination, discipline and an attitude of success achieved one step at a time.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 9, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Find a spiritual discipline that you can rely on to nurture yourself during difficult times. It can be something as simple as taking a walk alone in a quiet setting, or sitting for a few minutes in a special spot, or simply taking a few minutes to breathe and calm the body and mind. This will provide a quiet contrast to the racket going on around you. It will comfort you and steady you. It will offer a slight respite from the chaos that abounds. It will bring you a few moments of peace and serenity.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 22, 2022

Soulbytes from the realm of Heart & Spirit
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Discipline of the body is all well and good but don’t forget about the spirit, the part of you that resides in your body and makes life possible. Learn how it works within you, what it needs, and what matters to it. Just as your body needs food, exercise, play and rest, so does your spirit. Its food is imagination, its exercise is exploration, its play is synchronicity and its rest is meditation. Pay attention to it as much as you pay attention to your physical body so you can get to know it, incorporate it into your life, and enjoy a new experience of being human.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 10, 2022

Strive for balance in all you do so that your energy remains viable, your mind focused, and your body in good health. It’s so easy to overdo in so many ways, yet it takes discipline to chart a new path that involves maintaining balance of body, mind and spirit, especially in a world so full of troubles, illness, and chaos of all kinds. Remember your main goals: to connect with your spirit self more often, to learn what life is all about, and to journey onward toward wholeness. Such focus alone gives you the starting point to form the discipline you need. Keep a compassionate and loving heart and your journey will be much easier as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 11, 2022

A plan of action will aid in setting you on a new path, a determined intent to change. Progress will be achieved with intention, discipline, and action. At the same time, it is important to not be too rigid but to go with the flow of life, accepting what it offers as you go through each day. For you are also being guided by unseen forces, by caring helpers and loving guides. Allow for the multitude of synchronicities and enlightened beings to be part of your progress. So balance discipline with openness and surely you will progress in a positive direction.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne