Do better. On behalf of yourself do better. Make decisions that are aimed at maintaining your energy levels at peak performance. Utilize your knowledge to attain the best self in all ways, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You are in charge. There is no one to blame. Find your balance, that sweet spot, and stay there by doing everything that needs to be done so that you remain there. You will know what that balance is when you get there, by how you feel, and by trial and error you will discover how to remain there. Good luck!
Negative thoughts offer no solace, no peace, no inspiration. They only present problems. Turn them off and produce new, positive thoughts that generate hope, that instigate creativity, that spur you to new things. Thoughts are powerful so use them to your full advantage, freeing yourself from the ties of old ideas so that progress may be made.
Seek freedom from the web of human bondage… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Jan, in a recent communication with Jeanne, received this essential download: “You and Chuck have learned things about the relationship between the mind and the body that I had not learned while still in human form. I focused more on healing from without and not on the importance of thought and belief within. Had I known that then, my outcome may have been very different. Now, I do know that.”
This blog is dedicated to passing on what we have learned, that those seeking such guidance might profoundly change their lives and the direction of the world.
Animal magnetism is a term coined by Franz Mesmer to explain the mental influence exerted upon a body to shape it and attract to it the object of its intent. Animal has its root in the word anima, which implies a soul body that breathes, thus a sentient being that has life. Animal, then, designates a living, breathing physical body.
Magnetism is an energetic force that influences the structure and organization of a body through the power of what it attracts to it. That power emanates from the mind. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh,” begins John’s gospel. The mind produces the Word, which attracts to it the matter that creates the flesh it inhabits.
We become what we think. Our thoughts and beliefs are the primary suggestions delivered to the subconscious mind, the part of the soul body where the blueprint of mental suggestion is transformed into physical reality.
The shamans of ancient Mexico called this meeting place of mind and matter theassemblage point, where energy is molded into specific forms. Thus, the human form is a solid physical configuration of energy, an energetic alternative, among others, for human beings.
Don Juan Matus called human beings Magical Beings, due to their innate ability to exist simultaneously as both physical beings and energetic beings. Unfortunately, most human beings have forgotten and lost access to their energetic potential. They only know themselves as beings frozen in their ways, creatures of habit. As Carlos Castaneda put it, “Our wings have been clipped.”
This loss of freedom is human bondage. Human represents our classification as people in a physical body. Bondage has its root in bond, which means to confine, to dwell in a fixed state. Human bondage is thus a fixed confinement of our energetic potential into a solid physical mold, with limited awareness of options beyond its current fixation. Fixation represents the beliefs we attach to, which become molded into how we know ourselves and the world we live in.
What maintains this fixation of the assemblage point, in its generation of our rigid selves and the physical world we know, is the power of intent. Intent is energetically comprised of our thoughts and beliefs, the words we tell ourselves that become the automatic internal dialogue that suggests constantly to the subconscious the very definitions of what we are and how we are to manifest.
I am and become what I believe. The words I use to know and describe myself are the instructions delivered to the subconscious to fashion my existence. Typically, those instructions come from unchecked default programs unconsciously transmitted through genetics, instincts, and the humanly nuanced archetypes of the collective unconscious. Nobody has to think to breathe, the subconscious automatically runs that program.
Other programs are derived from suggestions internalized through socialization and the course of human development. Jeanne realized that from the first moment she received her cancer diagnosis, she believed she was going to die. Despite her heroic cancer journey, as detailed in The Book of Us*, she never fully overturned this strong suggestion to her subconscious mind. As mentioned in the opening paragraph of this blog, she has since learned the vital importance of reprograming and reshaping our ingrained beliefs if we are to change our lives.
Though extreme in her dogma, Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, suggested that human beings cannot be ill, as a physical body is merely an illusion. Like the shamans of ancient Mexico, she encouraged people to return to their energetic essence.
To apply animal magnetism to the state of our human bondage is to assume conscious control of our intent. The materialistic dominance of our consensus reality is what gives rise to our sense of helplessness in the face of our current planetary apocalypse. This condition is aptly diagnosed by the title of a book that Jung wrote long ago: Modern Man in Search of a Soul.
To retrieve the Soul one needn’t take a hallucinatory shamanic journey. To retrieve the Soul one need merely take back the power of the mind, which is held in the prison of limiting materialistic beliefs. “Yes!” Don Juan Matus emphasized to Carlos Castaneda, “We are solid physical beings, but we are energetic beings first.”
Physical reality exists. Modern medicine can offer a cure. But beyond our human form is the mind of the Soul, whose energetic intent, expressed in words and beliefs, can work miracles. This is the power of placebo, and the power of thousands of faith healings at Lourdes.
As mothers often say to their children, “Use your words!” In a state of true faith—a hypothesis without prejudice—use your words to suggest to the subconscious that which you would become. Use your animal magnetism to overcome human bondage. See what happens!
*A new version of The Book of Us, on the 20th anniversary of Jeanne’s entry into the afterlife, is scheduled for release in December 2021.
Avoid the bad behavior of negative thinking, which has no place on a path with heart, for those negative thoughts hold fast to an old way and an old self now no longer viable. Change requires drastic measures. Let the first drastic measure be within the mind, with the things you tell yourself and which manifest in the subconscious on a daily basis. Begin this new day with new and positive thoughts and truly walk upon your path of heart and change.
Make your time on Earth meaningful. In order to do that begin with changing the self. Intend to become a more loving being so that you become part of the solution that will quickly change the world into a more loving and peaceful place. It’s not that hard to do. Begin with the self. It’s called the Love Principle and indeed it will change you, and you in turn will change the world around you. Love is the answer—it has always been and will always be.