Tag Archives: alignment

Soulbyte for Monday August 24, 2020

Let bygones be bygones. Stay connected to what is now current, to what is now important, to what is now of utmost concern, for to stay caught in the past serves only the past and the energies that reside there and keep you stuck in old habits and old ideas of the self. Turn in a new direction now with the intent of your strong heart, the discipline of your determined spirit, and the positive outlook of your future self. Change is imminent. Why not come along?

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 4, 2020

Dream a new dream. If every person dreamed a new dream, a new dream would manifest. If every person understood the direction that the Great Mother is heading and got in alignment with her, a new dream for the human race would manifest. It doesn’t take much to understand what’s happening. It’s called change, and the sooner it is grasped and aligned with the sooner the pain and suffering will cease. Time to dream that new collective dream for one and all, for no one will be left out this time. The Great Mother, who is loving kindness and compassion, as well as the most powerful change agent, is making sure of that.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 14, 2020

Even as you turn inward and seek balance and peace within, turn also outward and observe nature all around you, its proclivities, its tendencies, and its ingrained behaviors. Patterns galore exist in nature, just as they do in human nature, repetitive and predictable. But just as there is the unpredictable in human behavior so is there the unpredictable in nature. Learn the signs of coming unpredictable events in nature so that you may be alert to them in human behavior as well. Premonitions and intuitions are equally as guiding as what you see with your own eyes. Become an astute student of nature so that you may become master of your own human self, and not only understand yourself better but the greater way of the world and where it is headed as well. In alignment with nature, perfect your natural inner guidance, the source of your own true knowledge, foresight, and wisdom, your spirit within that knows all. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 8, 2020

Let your heart remain large and receptive, openly optimistic, even though there is much to be concerned about, for an open and receptive heart is a heart full of hope that all will be well, that the changes now current will bring forth that which has been hidden, and that new forces will join together to turn the tides in a new direction. What seems impossible is possible when there is no doubt, when the heart is in alignment with spirit and the cosmos, and when the positive has been enacted for the good of all. In alignment with all of that, everything IS possible.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 21, 2020

Pay attention to your body, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, to the head and brain full of ideas, to your belly full of fears, to your arms and hands that do, to your legs and feet that are either reluctant or eager, to your inner systems that pump life into you and keep you alive, that keep your body functioning so that life may proceed. Treat this mass of yourself well so that it may treat you well, so that your spirit may reside in a house of calmness and unspoiled beauty. When your body suffers so does your spirit. Keep both of them happy and healthy, in alignment with nature and the bounty provided. Even in times of hardship and stress, it is these two companions, body and spirit, that deserve your utmost attention so that they may remain in tune, in alignment, and fully functioning in a healthy manner upon your path of heart. Their intent is your intent. Their life is your life. Their importance is your uppermost importance too. Everything else pales in comparison. Without one there is no other. Be well.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne