Tag Archives: transpersonal realm

Chuck’s Place: Freedom From Inevitability

Become your fuller self…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Everything is possible, particularly if we become our fuller selves.

As in quantum physics, human beings are both particles and waves. As particles we are solid separate material objects, living in a material world. In our wave state we are energetic spirit beings, residents in a greater world of pure spirit energy. As Don Juan Matus put it, “Of course we are solid beings, but we are first energetic beings.”

The solid dimension of our being, the world of everyday life, is highly predictable. As physical beings, we exist in the Newtonian world of mechanical being, whose laws can predict our entire lives. Astrology charts, I Ching readings, and Human Design readings can predict, with a high degree of accuracy, who we are, how we will behave and, in effect, the course of our lives. However, they are not absolute. Consciousness enables transcending even the most basic programs, in an instant.

These readings tap into the programs, loaded into our subconscious minds, that run our physical being. Thus, for instance, one’s genetic history is given high ranking in the hierarchy of physical programs that determine one’s health. Thus, a history of heart disease or cancer in one’s ancestry may predispose one to an encounter with these diseases. This automatic unfolding of genetic programs may determine one’s physical life.

At the energetic level of one’s being, thought creates reality. Thus, as with placebo, if one doesn’t believe they will have a problem, they can potentially override the automatic unfolding of a powerful genetic program of disease. This Spirit directive then changes physical manifestation.

Similarly, if one’s ancestral history is replete with failed relationships, these inherited programs may influence one’s ability to engage in successful intimate relationships. If one is able to resolve or detach from these ancestral dramas, at the energetic level of their being, they are then able to suggest to their subconscious mind new programs that free their ability to experience relational love.

The energetic level of one’s being is the transpersonal dimension. At this level we carry our phylogenetic history (including animal and cellular), our past lives (in human and nonhuman form), and our relationships with energetic beings in infinity. The transpersonal dimension is also the true home of the mind, which connects to the physical brain that enacts its spirit intentions in daily life.

The transpersonal dimension is also the dimension that houses our greater Spirit self, of which the ego is a subset that manages the affairs of daily life. When we access our Spirit self we also gain access to the wisdom gained through an eternity of lives. Those lives are members of our soul group, which include all our past lives, and are interconnected in the hologram of all life.

We access this transpersonal dimension in dream life, as well as through other methods that allow the ego to connect with its greater Spirit in non-ordinary states of reality. These non-ordinary states are accessed through shamanic journeys, like recapitulation, through the utilization of brainwave entrainment practices such as Hemi-Sync, through yoga practices, visions, trauma, prayer, through the use of substances or psychedelic medicines (requiring proper clinical supervision), and through intent (by directly instructing the subconscious mind).

When we integrate our solid physical selves within our greater energetic Spirit we open to freedom from inevitability. At this level we can override—through resolution—all the programs that determine the course of our present lives. This is a formidable challenge, but it is possible.

Our world now is banking on us collectively reaching the energetic dimension of being where we can freely choose our destiny. Nothing is truly absolutely determined.

The deepest truth is that the future cannot be fully known, especially if we awaken to the power of choice beyond what every day seems increasingly inevitable. But for that to happen we must wake up to the fullness of who we really are!

Begin with the self. You alone can have tremendous impact upon the  collective consciousness of our time.

Seeking freedom,

Chuck’s Place: I Am More Than My Ego Identity

Time for transformation…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

In a dream, my son is my friend. I have no memory of him as my son. Upon awakening I am fascinated at this absolute lapse in memory of such a prominent waking life relationship. This is a glimpse of life beyond the veil.

“What veil?” you might ask. The veil of ego identity. Ego is the part of our soul identified with waking life in the physical body. Ego is the main player in the waking life drama we are fully engaged in. The ego’s veil is its narcissism, though not necessarily pathologically so. It simply only knows itself as all that it is.

The ego is also quite prejudiced with material bias. The physical world is its oyster and all that really exists. This in-body perspective has been critical to keep the focus on the intent, the fated karma of this current life adventure. However, as is more than evident in current world events, Mother Earth is in labor. Her water has broken and full-on contractions have begun.

Birthing is our first rite of passage in this life. The journey into life is a solo voyage fraught with breathlessness, volcanic eruption, violent collision and claustrophobic containment. Arriving into our separateness, at birth, requires surviving the perils of these initiation challenges as we push out into new life. Currently, Earth’s initiation challenge requires us to navigate her violent changes as, once again, we find our way to new life.

New life on this planet is the discovery and integration of life beyond the confines of ego identity, life beyond the veil. Our materialistic focus, with its land-grab mentality, has saturated Mother’s nurturing capacity. She requires now a greater soulful human presence, a maturity beyond the childish dependency locked within the ego’s veil. To achieve this we must expand our knowing of all that we are. To achieve this we must venture into the transpersonal dimension of our being.

My amnesia of my son, as my son, was such a transpersonal journey. The more we cling solely to our relationships of familial association, as our definition of who we are and how we should live, the more we remain separated from the overall needs of the greater whole world. We are birthing into a consciousness that extends family to all, with equanimity.

To experience my son as friend, with no proprietary rights, breaks the illusion of special connection. Yes, of course there is special connection in the drama of this life. That can’t be erased. But to wake up to the greater reality, that all that is is part of that same whole, extends love to all; we are all simply inseparable. With this knowing, we are fully poised to grow beyond the limits of ego narcissism.

This journey to our transcendent selves, as we navigate the violent contractions of now, does require that we suffer the full knowing of our suppressed and repressed selves, what Jung called the shadow of the personal unconscious. This is the work of recapitulation, fully exploring the triggers of daily life, which bring forth our inconvenient truths.

We are aided in this journey by guides and by our Higher Soul, which resides in the transpersonal dimension of our being. Our ego soul becomes our left brain navigator on our voyage of recovery and discovery. Though still engaged in material life, our needs become more soulful and refined. The spirit of a gift outweighs the material gift.

Bob Monroe left us with a set of tools to discover that, yes, “I am more than my physical body.” As we traverse that non-physical reality, the ego discovers that it is part of its greater Soul. Indeed, that I am more than my ego identity. And with that we are truly birthing into new life.

I am more than my ego identity,


Soulbyte for Friday May 27, 2022

In every life a chain of events can be revealed as showing the unfolding of life. Circumstances do not suddenly appear; they are, more often than not, expected. When one looks back at how things unfolded this is seen to be true. To be aware every day of the unfolding in process is to be in alignment with life, aware of the signs and synchronicities that bring change. Become alert to your own life’s unfolding so that you are prepared for everything, at least in the intention to go with the flow rather than to be overwhelmed. Things do not happen, they unfold.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: High SOUL, Bringer of Dreams

High Soul behind the mist, never doubt it…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The settings and characters of dreams come from many dimensions of being, but it is one’s High SOUL, or High Self if you prefer, that brings the dream. We might become lucid and change the direction of a dream, but this is consciousness only responding to High SOUL’S challenge to move life in a new direction, not the ego originating its own dream.

If we are able to exercise faith by suspending judgment, and with great concentration, call upon High SOUL to respond to our request, we might indeed invoke a response from High SOUL in the most powerful of dream experiences. Nonetheless, the bringer of the requested dream remains the High SOUL.

Suspending judgment means suspending the dominance of the mental plane which tends to splinter our will. Thinking uses opposition and contrast to build its arguments and conclusions. Opposing thoughts inspire doubts, generating internal civil war. Civil war consumes the energy of the splintered mind, neutering the opportunity to reach the transpersonal dimension of being.

High SOUL resides in the transpersonal realm. To reach it we need focused energy intent on connection. Suspending judgment does not dismiss the value of rationality, it merely shelves it while it sets out to open to the possibility of direct communication with the Divine, that is its High SOUL.

Regardless of our ability to gather our energy for focused connection, High SOUL delivers us everyday its communications and blessings in the dreams it brings us. Even nightmares fit the bill!

To wake ourselves up from a nightmare is High SOUL seeing to our growth. To not attach to a nightmare is High SOUL teaching us to navigate. To be forewarned by a nightmare is High SOUL manifesting as guide.

Dreams of immoral delight are High SOUL revealing to us the depths of our shadow. Dreams with departed loved ones are High SOUL offering reunions and opportunities to complete karma. Dreams that suggest what the future might be are High SOUL pre-cognitively preparing us for the inevitable vicissitudes of life and death.

Dreams that reflect our highest conscious aspirations are High SOUL cheering us on to stay the course. Dreams that manifest our doubts are High SELF highlighting our hidden forebodings. Dreams out of body are High SELF allowing us to truly be more than our physical bodies.

Offer deep thanks and praise to High SOUL, bringer of dreams. Suspend judgment and give yourself permission to love and embrace your highest of all SOULMATES, High SOUL, bringer of dreams!

Dream on,
