Tag Archives: suspend judgment

Chuck’s Place: Holding Space for Trickster

Shining the light upon Trickster’s stupendous web…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Holding space means being with someone without judgment. Holding space means being fully present without seeking anything in return. Holding space means bearing the tension of opposition. Holding space means unconditional acceptance of all that is. 

Trickster is the child in all of us who simply refuses to conform to civilized expectations. That child will undermine our ego’s best intentions, as we find ourselves breaking our deeply fought for resolutions at trickster’s instigation. In a heartbeat, trickster will concoct a reason to open the refrigerator or peek at Facebook. Later, defeated and guilty, ego contritely starts anew on its road to self-improvement.

Before we completely demonize trickster, let us ponder a koan from Jesus. In Matthew 18: 2-4, Jesus is quoted as stating, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Clearly, the suggestion, on some level, is that, holding space for trickster is fundamental to spiritual evolution.

Trickster is a character that appears in the mythology of all cultures. Phil Jackson, of immortal basketball coaching acclaim, bestowed upon one of his star Chicago Bulls, Dennis Rodman, so called “best friend” of Kim Jong-un, the role of a Heyoka, a Lakota Indian trickster spirit, who both crossdresses and does things backwards to challenge the prevailing order of the tribe.

Phil Jackson recognized the necessity of holding space for this most unruly of characters, who would at times cost his team games and at other times help teammates to get over their self-importance and just have fun playing basketball. Like noted physicist David Bohm, Jackson knew the value of bearing the tension of full wholeness, over merely expecting goodness, in elevating a team to a higher level of play.

Jackson stressed the practice of patience in allowing another person to be who they were going to be, and while not protecting them from the natural consequences of their actions, not excluding them from the team either. In fact, he stressed the critical necessity of all-inclusiveness, including even the most vile trickster, in the building of a whole team.

David Bohm insisted that the way to advance civilization’s survival was to bring together all disparate characters at a roundtable of dialogue. All would commit to suspend judgment and merely express themselves and get to know their neighbors. The objective is not to advance one’s view over another’s, but simply to be part of this living wholeness.

Bohm predicted that this full presence alone, devoid of any attempt at convincing, would in itself give rise to the necessary resolution of difference. Perhaps his vision is similar to a Quaker service where, in the presence of the wholeness of the group, guidance spontaneously emerges in a channeled message. This was his social equation for human resolution, as he realized that at the most quantum subatomic level, only through the removal of subjective prejudice could science arrive at the fullest truth of energetic reality.

The trickster in all of us is our inner hero in the rough. Trickster is the ultimate Freudian slip, where the truth is most uncomfortably revealed. Perhaps that truth has laid bare one’s pretentious host at a party, or exposed one’s own most sensitive sore spots.

Trickster is daring, indignant, irreverent, ruthless, charming, hilarious, playful, spontaneous, sensitive, insensitive, attention-seeking, and highly self-centered. Trickster disdains reason and is far more driven by impulsive opportunity to shock and disrupt. Don’t expect trickster to be good at the party. Trickster is already eyeing the desert when you first walk through the door.

Don’t shut out trickster’s truth. Be patient and suspend judgment upon  the full truth of the self. See what might emerge as you bear this tension. If trickster appears outside the self, in the person of another, recognize its value as petty tyrant. In Carlos Castaneda’s shamanic lineage, trickster as petty tyrant is the person who most deeply offends us.

Typically, these are the characters one would prefer most to not have in one’s life. But, from a spiritual advancement opportunity, petty tyrants require one to completely relinquish the ego’s self-importance by not engaging in a defeatist argument in a futile attempt to defend oneself. Trickster also lays bare any proclivity to self pity, which in itself depresses the ego into immobilization.

Alternatively, if one can contain one’s anger and hurt within the cauldron of self, and travel down the rabbit hole of holding space beyond one’s hurt ego, one may be led on a journey of enlightenment to hidden memories and attitudes, which reveal previously veiled truths about the self.

Trickster may never mature, but trickster will challenge one to get beyond the limitation of self-importance that burdens all egos.  It may very well be that trickster’s irreverence persists only until ego truly grows up to the truth of right action, and assumes appropriate leadership. From that accomplishment trickster moves on, in its own mercurial way, to force attention upon another of ego’s many blindspots.

Most importantly, trickster offers us the opportunity to recover our lost innocence, the awe that leads to spiritual advancement.

Holding space for trickster,


Chuck’s Place: How A Change Might Happen

Change is happening all around…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Our bodies are governed by deeply embedded evolutionary programs, the stuff of DNA and archetypes. These programs are housed in the operations of the subconscious mind and operate quite unconsciously through the autonomic nervous system. Thus, the heart beats at a rate governed by its inherent instructions, not by conscious intent.

However, as has been definitively proven by advanced Yogis, consciousness can assume control even over the heart rate. In fact, Yogis have been able, under laboratory conditions, to stop the heart for several minutes, and then resume normal beating.

The operative principle here is the shaman’s credo: suspend judgment and see what happens. If we dismiss attempting to do something because we don’t believe it is possible, then we stay aligned with this now blocking-belief, based on principle.

In addition to these inherited programs are the socialized messages we have internalized as beliefs, which also take up residence in the subconscious mind and automatically influence our body, mind, and emotional states. Thus, being told, for instance, that we have an incurable disease might result in a subconscious acquiescence to such a prediction.

In this case, we are faced with two powerful influences upon the subconscious: inherent and socialized.

The inherent influence might be a genetic predisposition to a disease. The influence of this genetic coding might indeed challenge the body in a predictable way. This is real.

However, as successful placebo interventions demonstrate, the power of suggestion can have an impact on the course and even elimination of a disease. If one is able to suspend the judgment that upholds a blocking belief and engage the power of intent, anything could happen.

The socialized dimension upon the subconscious might be triggered by the power attributed to an authority figure. A doctor is a person of high authority that easily triggers the commandment to honor one’s parents, holders of omnipotent power in our very impressionable childhood years.

Honoring the parents may have generalized to all subsequent authority figures in life. Thus, one may feel too inadequate to question the pronouncement of such an authority figure. Hence, engaging the possibility that one can influence the course of one’s encounter with disease might never be allowed, due to the influence of subconscious beliefs.

It is extremely difficult to talk oneself out of a belief. Once installed in the subconscious, beliefs act autonomously and with a great deal of power, as is easily seen in the intensity of emotions that are aroused when a belief is challenged. Just try having a rational discussion with anybody about their current political beliefs—I guarantee you’ll see a display of emotion!

The best approach to working with a limiting belief is to acknowledge it but not stay under its domination. So, for instance, if I am told I’m dealing with a disease, I will acknowledge that fact, that my symptoms fit a diagnostic category.

Next, I quite definitely would state my intent: “I intend to heal!” Here I am speaking to Intent itself, a power in the universe that I seek to engage in my healing process. If one has no belief in such a higher, independent power I would suggest stating the intent anyway, regardless of doubt.

Intent may be the language that activates one’s link to what physicist David Bohm termed the Implicate Order, the deeper interconnected oneness that underlies our surface experience of separateness in reality. Communication from this dimension utilizes synchronicity to guide consciousness on its journey of change.

The intent to influence the subconscious is critical, as the subconscious is the warehouse of our belief system, as well as the executor of most bodily activity. Taking conscious leadership of the directives we want our body to follow is directly linked to the suggestions we give the subconscious. Never assume a subconscious program can’t be overridden by conscious intent.

Next it is critical to be very patient. Subconscious programs are shrouded in powerful defenses to protect the sanctity of these default positions. We must calmly but incessantly repeat our intentions to the subconscious. If we are impatient we will easily be defeated in our intent.

Furthermore, the course the greater Intent might take us in might be quite counterintuitive. We may need to suffer many surprises that actually might be a course of recapitulation, necessary to journey through to free our energy from the roots of a disease. Perhaps an ancestral problem embedded in a disease may need to be experienced and solved before it can be released.

Finally, and most challenging, we must suspend attachment to the outcome of our efforts. The goal is to be impeccable in stating our intent and meeting the challenges that unfold. Attachment to outcome taxes our energy in wish-fulfillment and depression when things don’t unfold as we expect them to.

Be definite in intent, be patient, and take the journey that is presented, the journey of a lifetime. See what happens!



Chuck’s Place: High SOUL, Bringer of Dreams

High Soul behind the mist, never doubt it…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The settings and characters of dreams come from many dimensions of being, but it is one’s High SOUL, or High Self if you prefer, that brings the dream. We might become lucid and change the direction of a dream, but this is consciousness only responding to High SOUL’S challenge to move life in a new direction, not the ego originating its own dream.

If we are able to exercise faith by suspending judgment, and with great concentration, call upon High SOUL to respond to our request, we might indeed invoke a response from High SOUL in the most powerful of dream experiences. Nonetheless, the bringer of the requested dream remains the High SOUL.

Suspending judgment means suspending the dominance of the mental plane which tends to splinter our will. Thinking uses opposition and contrast to build its arguments and conclusions. Opposing thoughts inspire doubts, generating internal civil war. Civil war consumes the energy of the splintered mind, neutering the opportunity to reach the transpersonal dimension of being.

High SOUL resides in the transpersonal realm. To reach it we need focused energy intent on connection. Suspending judgment does not dismiss the value of rationality, it merely shelves it while it sets out to open to the possibility of direct communication with the Divine, that is its High SOUL.

Regardless of our ability to gather our energy for focused connection, High SOUL delivers us everyday its communications and blessings in the dreams it brings us. Even nightmares fit the bill!

To wake ourselves up from a nightmare is High SOUL seeing to our growth. To not attach to a nightmare is High SOUL teaching us to navigate. To be forewarned by a nightmare is High SOUL manifesting as guide.

Dreams of immoral delight are High SOUL revealing to us the depths of our shadow. Dreams with departed loved ones are High SOUL offering reunions and opportunities to complete karma. Dreams that suggest what the future might be are High SOUL pre-cognitively preparing us for the inevitable vicissitudes of life and death.

Dreams that reflect our highest conscious aspirations are High SOUL cheering us on to stay the course. Dreams that manifest our doubts are High SELF highlighting our hidden forebodings. Dreams out of body are High SELF allowing us to truly be more than our physical bodies.

Offer deep thanks and praise to High SOUL, bringer of dreams. Suspend judgment and give yourself permission to love and embrace your highest of all SOULMATES, High SOUL, bringer of dreams!

Dream on,


Soulbyte for Tuesday June 25, 2019

Listen closely to your body. It tells you each day how it’s doing, what it needs, and what it doesn’t want. Attend to it as you would someone you love dearly. Give it what you know it needs, based not on hearsay or fad, but only on what it tells you it needs. Your body speaks its own language. Learn how it communicates, paying attention to its methods. Respond with love and caring, and in this manner learn to love it as your human vehicle in this life, as your spirit’s home, complicated and capable of far more than you can imagine. Your body is you, and yet you, as spirit, are far more capable than you can imagine too. Combined, body and spirit, you are quite unique, one of a kind. Remember this duality that you are, but remember also this oneness that you are, and operate always as one loving being, within and without. For that is what you truly are capable of, loving unconditionally, without judgment, self and other, simply because you can. What else really matters?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 15, 2019

Without judgment be honest with the self. Instead of repeating the old thoughts, the ones you have been telling yourself for decades or longer, listen to the truth. The truth is what you have been hiding from, running from, escaping from. If evolution is to take place in your life it’s time to stand your ground, face yourself, look squarely into your own eyes and hear the unbiased truth. This is something only you can do for yourself, for only you know what is truly going on inside yourself. The truth will challenge you, but it will not harm you. The truth wishes only for your evolution, the fulfillment of your Soul’s purpose in life. The truth is just another part of you waking up, sending you a spark of life and hope that you are ready now to love yourself, to take yourself seriously enough to finally let down your judgments and defenses and fully embrace the life you are in and all it has to offer. With love and compassion and kindness for yourself journey on in a new direction now. With truth uppermost in your heart, mind, and body, take action on behalf of yourself today that is positive, proactive, productive, and heart-centeredly truthful. That is the next step.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne