Tag Archives: suspend judgment

Chuck’s Place: Mind Your Words

Practice saying it…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

There are many voices in the head. The most prominent is that of the ego itself, the voice of consciousness that directs thought and decision making in waking life.

Just beneath the ego is the voice of the subconscious, that which stores the knowledge of our personal experiences in this life, as well as our genetic and ancestral knowledge and the archetypal programs that distinguish our species.

The subconscious also houses the split-off complexes formed through traumatic experience, which maintain their own consciousness. The voices of these split-off complexes represent learned beliefs, which exert their influence upon our everyday emotional states and mental functioning.

Additionally, the subconscious houses the soul’s journey through eternity, which includes many sub-personalities that weigh in on current life from their vast and varied experiences in infinite life. These influences, though pronounced, are generally veiled from waking ego consciousness, which spends most of its energy navigating survival and the tasks of daily waking life.

The subconscious is also the powerhouse of manifestation. All humans generate the life they are in via the suggestions delivered to the subconscious mind. The mere flicker of a possibility, housed in the words of a thought, immediately registers in the chemistry and emotion of the human body. The thought, “Did they get home OK?” can generate acute anxiety in the pit of the stomach, as the mind imagines possible accidents.

The shamans of ancient Mexico identified a parasitic, inorganic entity that produces an internal dialogue, which they called a flyerThe flyer influences the subconscious mind with incessant negative thoughts, generating intense emotion, the stuff of its sustenance. This parasitic relationship between species is quite common, as all life feeds upon life on this planet.

Whether the flyer be considered real or metaphorical, the effect of the internal dialogue upon human life is the manifestation of the consensus reality we live in. Essentially, the internal dialogue is a tour guide that cynically, and incessantly, defines who we are and the life we are in. The inner dialogue knows the fragility of the ego’s plight: a stranger in a strange land, cut off from the knowledge of its soul’s fuller journey and resources by the veil of the blank slate, which is installed upon birthing into this human life.

Through the internal dialogue’s generation of constant negative thoughts about the ego’s incompetency, and its negative view of outer reality, the ego easily becomes overwhelmed and thus spends much of life preoccupied with attempting to establish its worthiness. Meanwhile, it remains cutoff from its true royal lineage as a magical being. As a result, all the capabilities of its energy body soul self remain unknown and unavailable to ego consciousness.

The advantage of this parasitic arrangement is that the ego is able to remain fixed in the waking life it is in, thus effectively fulfilling its purpose for being in this life, which, cutoff from its history, it has little knowledge of. Had we full knowledge of our history, we would know of our immortality. Such knowledge would overshadow the time space limitation of this life, which actually motivates our efforts for fulfillment because of those limitations.

The disadvantage of the internal dialogue is the constant negativity it spews to the subconscious mind, which manifests in both anxious and depressed mood states. When we are cut off from our soul self, life can be made to appear nihilistic, foreboding and meaningless, with little possibility for joy and fulfillment.

Actually, the internal dialogue can be viewed as the gargoyle that guards the gates to the deeper knowing of our true selves, until we are able to subdue its influence upon us. Despite its negative influence, we tend to become addicted to the familiar sense of self that its cynical words generate and, regardless of our conscious intent to become more positive, we resist moving away from the comfort of a known self and world, with all its inferiorities and limitations.

Perhaps the greatest suggestion the shamans of ancient Mexico offer to transcend the insidious effect of the internal dialogue is to suspend judgment. When the ego gives this suggestion to the subconscious mind in the presence of an extraneous thought or interpretation, it opens the doorway to the world of possibility. Limiting beliefs are mere hypotheses that needn’t automatically define reality.

If we truly suspend judgment we are freed to open to a world of infinite possibility, with access to our magical selves. We are free to explore the subtle dimensions of the energy body, with its ability to travel beyond the body and communicate with more evolved spirits, who can guide us to latent abilities, such as telepathy and the deeper knowledge of the soul’s journey, with its many relationships in infinity.

The practice of suspending judgment is quite simple. Don’t engage in argument with the internal dialogue. Accept the basic truth of the inferior position of the ego. Rather than get caught in the struggle for proving self-importance, utilize the ego’s ability to approach life with the innocence of a child, in awe with the discovery of life and all its possibilities.

Mind your words.

State the intent: “Suspend Judgment.”

Enjoy the momentary inner silence such a suggestion manifests.

Allow the suggestion that anything is possible to be tested in the experiment of daily life.

Discover the positive outcome of such unbiased exploration. You won’t regret it!

Suspend judgment,


Chuck’s Place: Faith & Doubt

Interwoven wholeness…
– Artwork © 2022 by Jan Ketchel

Sometimes we simply can’t believe, can’t accept something on faith alone; though spiritually driven we may need more than faith alone.

Jan has shared with me that the nuns of her grammar school called such spiritual candidates “doubters”, confused souls held tightly in Satan’s grasp of doubt. From their dogma, faith alone is the necessary bridge to spiritual ascent.

From my own earliest childhood inner experience, I qualified as a major-league doubter. In deep shame and horror, my truth was that I did not believe in God. I needed absolute proof, through experience, before I could believe. I challenged God to prove His existence to me.

That challenge was met with an experience that left no further room for doubt, for now I knew. Belief now rested upon the solid foundation of knowing, which has guided my life ever since. I thank doubt for setting the stage for the experiment and resulting numinous experience that has inspired my entire life.

Nonetheless, those Sisters at St. Mary’s knew of the perilous quicksand  that doubt becomes when it dominates one’s attitude toward life. Doubt can indeed cast a heavy shadow over the brightness of life. Excessive doubt breeds cynicism, where the interpretation of life events derives from an acute tunnel vision that sees only the negative side of everything. Doubt readily identifies the hidden, self-serving motive behind everything and everyone.

So convincing is the cynic’s perspective, as it casts its shadow of doubt  upon the supposed altruism of others, that its resulting negativity is quite infectious. In fact, one can easily lose faith that anyone is truly trustable, and firmly believe that any supposed loving action is really nothing other than a Trojan horse of self-serving narcissism.

Faith then, could be defined as remaining open to the hypothesis that anything is possible, at least until proven otherwise. Life, from this perspective, is sprinkled with optimism and positive thinking. Rather than dismiss a possibility outright, based upon a dogmatic or fixed perspective, we actually allow ourselves to remain open and see what happens.

In a relationship, a doubting attitude might easily judge the behavior of the other to be fraught with self-serving intent, despite their loving persona. This may then lead one to harbor resentment and distrust that precludes any possibility of a deepening intimacy.

If, on the other hand, one were able to suspend their doubting judgment and allow their faith to remain open and see what happens, they might be rewarded with the discovery that indeed, this flawed human being is actually reaching out to truly connect.

On the other hand, one might be led to the discovery that their doubt was actually well informed. They might be led to the fact that their companion is not ready to love another, as their gaze is solidly fixed upon love that is limited to their own reflection. Despite one’s disappointment at this, the outcome of this experimental relationship has proven its untenability, and so, it’s simply time to move on.

Faith allows us to suspend judgment and remain open to possibility. Doubt forces us to refine our relationship with the truth. Faith and doubt are thus a pair of opposites, which, when properly integrated, serve the deepening of our relationship with life, truth, and love.

If we are too one-sided in doubt, our relationships are sterile, calculated and fear based. If we have too much faith, we are easy targets for the con-artists, the prana suckers, and the devious.

The truth is that at different levels of our being we are all both devils and angels. We have good reason to doubt our own authenticity, at all times. We also have good reason to have faith in everyone’s capacity for deep altruistic love, including our own!

The fact that we are both devils and angels makes us human—beings who reflect a composition of both the left and right hands of God. Our challenge in this life is to weave both sides of ourselves into a functional unit that takes us deeper into the truth and love of this amazing journey: Life!

With Faith and Doubt,


Chuck’s Place: Self-Psychokinesis

Energy in motion…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Psyche is the mind, a producer of thought. Kinetic energy is energy in motion. Psychokinesis is the intentional use of thought to influence physical matter.

When we have a thought, our mind entertains it as a solid unit. When that thought is imbued with the intention of emotional energy, it assumes a wavelength form, that flows beyond the mind and body and is sent out to the universe-at-large, or to a specific person or object, who may be impacted by its energetic charge.

What we commonly call a synchronicity—thinking of someone just prior to them calling, for instance—is actually an example of unintentional psychokinesis. That person’s thought of contacting us assumed its wavelength form, with its energy reaching our attention before it fully materialized in the actual call.

When the emotion of intention is applied to thought, its wavelength impact can be quite impressive, as is evident in intended remote healings and casino winnings. Recognizing the power of collective intent, many organizations, such as The Monroe Institute, organize virtual gatherings for individuals to join their healing intent for the greater good of the world.

The power to influence the material world via mental intent extends to one’s own physical body. The body is governed by complex evolutionary programs garnered over the vast past of human history. These programs operate autonomously, through the subconscious mind, with little need for conscious input to function.

So evident and uniform are the unfolding of these programs that few question their unalterable validity, nor their inability to be impacted by conscious intent. Thus, for instance, most people assume that the diseases and physical challenges typical of old age are inevitable facts. These beliefs become reinforcing thoughts to the unchecked tendency of these physical programs to automatically unfold throughout the life cycle.

These beliefs are further reinforced by the institutions that support human life, such as the medical system that predicts and diagnoses, based upon the uniform findings of science, which bases its knowledge upon the study of the inherent programs in nature. Conscious intent is not seriously considered as a factor capable of influencing the natural programs in the human body.

However, as the placebo effect aptly attests to, what we believe—that is, our thought in wavelength energetic form—can vastly change the condition of the matter, the physical stuff, of our body. However, to achieve actual results, we must truly believe that anything is possible.

If we can accept the hypothesis that something is possible until proven otherwise, we can allow our thoughts, imbued with the kinetic energy of intention, to target a change in our physical body. Thus, freed of limiting beliefs, our thoughts assume their energetic wavelength form, that can solicit a potential resonant body program, to activate and effect the desired bodily change.

The program activated would be a potential for a change in the body that would not have automatically happened without the suggestive impact of the psychokinetic intent. Evolutionary programs, though capable of innovation, are slow to change. The impact of consciousness upon these programs speeds up adaptive change.

The crux of believing is the ability to suspend judgment. Judgments merely mimic the collective consensus, which is derived from nature’s automatic programs. By suspending judgment, the true scientist puts these natural prejudices on the shelf and finds out what actually might be possible. We can all be that scientist in relation to our own bodies via the thoughts we intend for it.

What can undermine these psychokinetic intentions are pre-existing hidden intentions that, in fact, remain attached to current body conditions for defensive purposes. For instance, if one moved beyond a body limitation, one might be challenged to enter a life one longed for but was also terrified of approaching.

This hidden intention cancels the energy of the conscious positive wavelength intention, and the result is that nothing changes. What’s more, one’s conscious ego can become demoralized in feelings of powerlessness and failure, further reinforcing blocking beliefs. One must find the courage to acknowledge the existence and function of these blocking intentions to successfully mitigate their resistance to change.

Sometimes, blocking intentions result from punishment for felt transgressions to immediate or remote ancestry. To move beyond the limitations of one’s family history can feel like disloyalty or survival guilt. In these instances, reframing one’s intentions, as healing to one’s ancestral line, can aid in the release of ancestral limitation, dysfunction and disease.

Once one has cleared oneself of hidden blocking beliefs, one is freed to practice self-psychokinesis with conscious intent.

Allow oneself to visualize intended change, aided by clearly worded description. Access the kinetic energy of self love, and combine it with one’s intention for change. This energized wavelength of energy is freed to do its magic. See what happens! But again, no attachment to the outcome. Suspend judgment and let the games begin!

Intending the greater good, within and without,


Soulbyte for Thursday December 17, 2020

Suspend judgment of self and other in order to experience the joy of freedom. Freedom is the clarity of mind to know the truth, to experience the silence of the busy mind and the emptiness of negativity. Freedom comes in the silence within and the observation of silence without, in seeing what truly is: the spirit in everyone and everything. In this manner discover what love truly is, for it is energy flowing through the universe, through you and through everything else too. Love is energy to be used for the greater good of all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 6, 2020

Keep a humble heart. A humble heart is a heart that directs the way with love and kindness, that knows the compassionate way, that faces obstacles with humility and hopefulness, that remains positive and yet calm in times of strife and times of peace alike. A humble heart looks upon the self and others as sentient beings on a journey to wholeness and does not discriminate nor judge, for a humble heart knows that everyone is equal and deserving of all that is.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne