Soulbyte for Tuesday June 25, 2019

Listen closely to your body. It tells you each day how it’s doing, what it needs, and what it doesn’t want. Attend to it as you would someone you love dearly. Give it what you know it needs, based not on hearsay or fad, but only on what it tells you it needs. Your body speaks its own language. Learn how it communicates, paying attention to its methods. Respond with love and caring, and in this manner learn to love it as your human vehicle in this life, as your spirit’s home, complicated and capable of far more than you can imagine. Your body is you, and yet you, as spirit, are far more capable than you can imagine too. Combined, body and spirit, you are quite unique, one of a kind. Remember this duality that you are, but remember also this oneness that you are, and operate always as one loving being, within and without. For that is what you truly are capable of, loving unconditionally, without judgment, self and other, simply because you can. What else really matters?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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