Tag Archives: spirit

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 5, 2020

You can’t change how life unfolds, but you can change how you approach it, the attitude you take, what you decide to accept and what you decide to reject. You have more control than you think. Some control is detrimental to you and your journey, doing more harm than good, but some control is beneficial and actually sets you off on the right path. A path of heart requires constant attention and, yes, a certain amount of control to stay in stable alignment with spirit. Accept the things that help you and further your journey, reject that which hinders and harms. Do so with loving kindness for yourself, for your past, present, and future selves, for all of that is who you are and who you have the potential to be, a being of wholeness, every part of you acceptable and loved, even that which no longer serves your greater good.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 30, 2020

Take care of the body for it is the only one you get. The spirit is eternal but it too needs care, for it is so often neglected and forgotten, as life in the body dominates. Let the body have its needs in order to survive and thrive, but don’t forget to keep the spirit alive as well, giving it as much attention as the body, keeping it present and active in your life. It needs care and nurturing too, that invisible you that only wants to be known and trusted, for it has treasures to give and wisdom to impart from its eternal home. Ask your spirit to guide you. Learn to trust it, for it holds knowledge for your body as well as your soul. Just ask.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Spirit is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Spirit in the flow of everyday change…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Every being upon this planet is exposed to the identical pressure of Earth in radical transition. The term transition highlights the growth potential that accompanies the obvious destructive side effects of these far reaching changes.

This pressure, or egalitarian touch of the Spirit, offers all beings an opportunity to evolve. How we interpret this pressure will determine how we respond to this opportunity, which is presented equally to all.

As individual humans we are beings of two minds, the mind of everyday life and the mind of the Spirit. The everyday mind is largely of extrinsic origin, being the product of  the internalized forces of socialization. Though experienced as deeply personal, this is the judging mind of the internal dialogue that tells us who we are and what is what, according to our deeply internalized party line.

The fixation of everyone’s everyday mind is an overarching concern about the self, or by extension, me and mine. That mind interprets the world through the narrow narcissistic lens of being offended, or validated, by all the actions of others, or simply by the world-at-large.  At present, the world is being treated to a mighty reflection of this everyday mind, as mirrored by world leadership.

As the Earth proceeds along her mighty path of transformation, it becomes increasingly obvious that the dominance of the everyday mind is headed for extinction, at least in its current form. How can this self-serving approach to reality possibly survive the absolute necessity of a more comprehensive concern for the survival of the entire planet?

The mind of the Spirit is directly linked to the deeper truth of Earth’s profound transformation. However, this knowing of the Spirit is largely veiled by the mind of everyday life, with its fixation of total energy and attention placed upon its self-centered, worrisome, everyday concerns. From its perspective, my survival, regardless of altruistic verbiage and activity, is as far as it can really see.

The mind of Spirit speaks softly but honestly beneath the dense layers of the everyday mind. Shocks in the everyday flow of life, such as the tragic untimely death of Kobe Bryant, offer glimpses of Spirit.  The far greater outer calamities of the Earth are also messengers of Spirit, inviting a wider audience to hear its truths, as evidenced in the current coronavirus.

Fascinating to watch how quickly the everyday mind restores itself following its rupture by knocks of the Spirit. In Piaget’s nomenclature, assimilation that refuses to accommodate the greater truth is not real adaptation. At best, it’s a temporary sand fortress, soon to be dissolved by the next wave.

Finally, Spirit offers the highest form of adventure. To ride honestly, with knowledge of our transience, and being respectful of our temporary home, while we simultaneously thoroughly take the journey of preparation for the next leap in our journey, is the true path of heart.

This is the call of our Spirit now, our true evolutionary destiny. And Spirit is an equal opportunity employer. All who turn to it in earnest are immediately hired, on a true mission from the Universe.



Soulbyte for Tuesday January 28, 2020

When you ask for help so do with the expectation that you will receive. Trust in and know that there are helpers galore. State your intent, declare your need, with heartfelt vigor, and know that indeed you will be provided with all you need. Such is the work of the spirit within you connecting with the spirit of greater intent that supports all living life, of which you are all a part. Be intent.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Reconnect With Your Innocence

Innocence, as pristine as a beautiful winter’s day…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Today’s channeled message reminds us of who we really are, as much spirit as anything else. Reconnecting with this part of ourselves offers magical opportunities to discover who we truly are and who we can truly become.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne