Tag Archives: right action

Soulbyte for Thursday August 27, 2020

Meet hatred with love. Greet anger with kindness. Use compassion against bigotry and turn inward to the beauty of the pure loving heart to combat the disturbances around you, for the heart knows how to handle the most disagreeable of situations. Without thought or provocation it simply acts, impulsively and correctly, passionately and properly. Turn from rhetoric to the energy of love’s doing, the automatic attention to right actions of kindness, caring, and love of all. When the heart is in action all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 26, 2020

Remain attached to the messages from the heart, the truths that love, kindness, compassion, respect and honesty are the tickets to finding the way to inner peace and calmness, as well as peace and calmness in the world you live in. There is no truth in dishonesty, disrespect, hatred, fear, and divisiveness. The heart seeks to unify not destroy. The heart brings people together with love as its healing medicine, with kindness as its energy of choice, with compassion for all beings as its homegrown message. Let the soft healing heart not the hard head full of strange ideas guide you now, as the world makes a radical shift to correct that which needs correction. Remain heart centered and loving in these times of great need, and for all of your days as well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 13, 2020

Turn inward now, away from the discontent outside of you, and get centered in what is truly right. For only then, if you are centered and calm in the heart’s truth and the heart’s knowing will you have the fortitude and knowledge to proceed along a proper and rightful path. A path of heart supersedes all other paths. Begin there, and then see what happens to bring about peace without. Peace within, peace without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 29, 2020

Hold yourself as accountable as you hold others, for the world in its current state did not arrive there by the actions of one being alone but by the actions of many. Change will come about by concerted effort from the many and the one, for even one person has the power to enact change. And so, do something from the heart that will bring about the change you so desire. One action alone can begin a whole series of actions. All it takes is one heart-centered right action.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 15, 2020

Let there be no dispute that love is the right energy to invest in. Let there be no concern that love is not the way. Let there be only the certainty that love is the answer to all that needs fixing. For indeed, love knows no bounds, has no color, does not limit, has no enemies. Love loves all equally. Love is healing. Love is free. Let love be the torch you carry in front of you and within you. Let love be the way.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne