Tag Archives: loving heart

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 16, 2021

Remain steady upon your path of heart in spite of the behaviors of others. Remain always loving, even towards those who are aggressive towards you, for only a loving attitude will keep the good energy flowing so that it may gradually usurp the bad. In loving kindness look upon the world and its aggressors, personal and impersonal, and know that in the end all will be well and that a loving heart is forever.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 24, 2020

It’s all a dream, a collective dream, already dreamed a long time ago and now being unfolded in real time. Dream on, knowing that you’ve already dreamed it, that you’ve already decided the outcome, already solved the issues, already experienced the nuances and details of this collective world dream you are currently dreaming. There’s no stopping it, for it is already done, planned a long time ago. Dream on with awareness now, making right decisions based on the knowledge of the loving heart behind it all, knowing that you are one, the dream and the dreamer too. One is all and all is one.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 26, 2020

Remain attached to the messages from the heart, the truths that love, kindness, compassion, respect and honesty are the tickets to finding the way to inner peace and calmness, as well as peace and calmness in the world you live in. There is no truth in dishonesty, disrespect, hatred, fear, and divisiveness. The heart seeks to unify not destroy. The heart brings people together with love as its healing medicine, with kindness as its energy of choice, with compassion for all beings as its homegrown message. Let the soft healing heart not the hard head full of strange ideas guide you now, as the world makes a radical shift to correct that which needs correction. Remain heart centered and loving in these times of great need, and for all of your days as well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 4, 2018

Stay connected to your heart, to your strong center, the core of who you truly are. Your heart will guide you and give you the right answers to your questions when you do not know what to do. Your heart holds your best interests in mind and knows your true needs, for it is unfathomable in its depth and wisdom. When in doubt, or just because it is the right and best thing to do at all times, ask your heart for guidance. It will not fail you, for a true and loving heart beats inside everyone of you.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 26, 2017

Let your good heart be your guide. Let it speak through you, that your words may be words of loving kindness, that your thoughts and actions be compassionate, and that your journey be one of considerable meaning. Let these inner things be your motivations, and with intent may they manifest outwardly in abundance.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne