Tag Archives: patience

Soulbyte For Monday February 15, 2021

Patience. In solitude find your center within yourself—that quiet mind, that still body, that calm heart—and wait patiently for the voice of Spirit to speak words of guidance. In return, express gratitude for communion with the Self who knows what to do and let that Self guide you. With thanks, be guided forward each day, one step at a time to what is right, good, and evolutionary. For that is the real reason you are there, to evolve from ignorant human to knowing spirit, to fully knowing all that you are and all that you are capable of. And there is much to learn indeed! Be patient, but also take the evolutionary “A” Course: be Awake, Alert, Aware, and Act appropriately when Spirit says the time is right.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Tuesday February 9, 2021

With patience begin your day, knowing that each moment counts and yet that each moment’s pause allows for necessary change. Change is what creates and evolves. Embrace change and yet move into it with a patient heart, listening for the guidance that tells you when it is time to make a move and when it is time to hold back, for everything has it’s perfect time, it’s perfect moment of birth that will determine its perfect outcome. Let your heart lead you patiently along and all will be as perfect as it should be.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 1, 2021

A symbolic day in time and space, the first day of a new year suggests new beginnings, new life, new pacts, new directions. Begin anew with a positive intent to be more kind and loving first of all, to self and other, to be open to what may come, all the possibilities that are possible, all the changes that will present. Take each day calmly and with patience, asking the self to remain as committed to a new way of life each day forth as you are on this first day. Let love always be your guide as you travel your path of heart toward your innocence and your highest self. Happy New Year!

Sending you all love and best wishes for a wonderful New Year,

The Soul Sisters, Jan and Jeanne, and Chuck too!

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 23, 2020

Ask for help and it will be received. Ask for guidance and it will be given. Ask to be shown the way and it will be shown. What’s your next step? Let the universe point it out. Let nature be your guide. Have patience. Wait. Your guidance may come in unexpected ways, so be on the alert. Be open. Have faith that you are heard. Trust the response you get. Learn how spirit speaks to you, in its own language, often a language of symbols and signs if not directly in your own language. Learn to read this new language of communication and all will be well. All will be well.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 4, 2020

Patience. Set your intent, send it out to the Universe, and then wait patiently. Remind yourself of your connection to all that is good, to all that is positive and productive, and wait patiently for that which your heart intends. When the heart truly desires and the heart waits patiently the heart will receive if it remains open and trusting. Your dreams will come true if you remain in right alignment within and without. While waiting patiently prepare yourself for receiving, for the outcome of your intent is sure to find you if you are open and receptive. Patient waiting is not sitting and doing nothing. It is a highly active state of heart centered calm intent and trusting preparation, as if that which you intend has already happened. Get ready.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne