Tag Archives: patience

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 16, 2020

Have patience. During times of patient waiting it may seem as if nothing is happening to further things along but rest assured, behind the scenes there is much that is being done. Things are aligning, getting right, being set so that in an instant it may appear that everything changes. Remain patient, knowing that all is being done that can be done and that even mountains can be moved if everything is done right. Help is on the way. Rest assured of that, but remain calm in the interim, for your own energy is vitally important for a rapid and smooth transition when the time of patient waiting is over and the good energy will flow again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 3, 2020

Out of chaos will emerge the calm, out of matter emerges spirit, out of night comes the day. There are two sides to everything. Keep this in mind even as you contend with your own duality. Have patience as things shift and change, for all good takes time and patience, even as love takes time to grow and evolve. Remain in sacred knowing that the human spirit is strong and loving and that eventually goodness will prevail.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Practice Patience

Practice patience by sitting as quietly as a stone…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling today we are all advised to be patient, but to be patient knowing that change happens in the right moment. Times are frustrating, but these times too will pass. And don’t forget to make your practice one of loving patience!

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Friday November 30, 2018

Have patience as you move forward into new life. Have patience, even as you set your intent and align with your spirit. Have patience with the unfolding of things, for all things will unfold as they will. Though you are determined, there is no predicting what will happen to move you along. All things have a will of their own, just as you do. This includes your spirit, who is behind you, backing up your choices or redirecting you in new directions, so be sure to pause and ask, “Is this also your will? Am I getting it right?” And wait patiently for an answer. As sure as the sun rises every morning you will get an answer and no matter what it is, to your liking or not, abide by it. Assign patience to your journey and you will travel in good company, and your journey, though it may be long and winding, will indeed be fulfilling and your satisfaction will know no bounds.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 12, 2018

Patience. All things change because you intend that they do so, because you clearly state your intent, and because you work hard to shift your energy away from the old and become open to the new. State your intentions loudly and clearly, intentionally shift your energy in the direction of your intentions, and be patient while everything lines up, while the universe and your guides structure things so that what you intend happens according to the best strategies and in the most meaningful ways possible. Have patience and loving kindness for your yearning self. And get on board with trusting that what you intend WILL come to pass, in due course.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne