Tag Archives: love is the answer

Soulbyte for Friday January 15, 2021

You are the source and the light of your own energy. It lies within you, eternal and available. Nurture it, allow it to provide you with the energy, light, and love that you truly are. You are not separate from this eternal source; you are this eternal source. Reconnect with it in every breath you take, in every thought of your spirit self, in every moment you think of love, for love is the energy of this eternal source and that which you are emboldened to embrace and be during all your days. Love is the energy of the eternal source, love is you, love is the answer.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 6, 2021

Remain committed to a path with heart. When enough people gather together in spirit for a common cause, whether for an individual, a nation, or a world, a positive outcome is more likely. When the right path with heart, in alignment with the greater intent of the Great Mother is embarked upon the result will be in alignment with a higher purpose, that which will bring about the change that is truly needed and will set the stage for true evolution. Do not give up hope for a more beautiful and loving world. Remain loving and heart centered yourself. When strongly committed to that which is right for the greater good and the good of all, all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 5, 2021

Pull your energy inward now rather than projecting it outward and do the good work of changing and evolving the self into a kind, compassionate, and loving being. For love is the way that all will be resolved. Love is the medicine to cure the ills. Love is the food to nurture. Love is the sustenance to bring new life to all. Let love guide you and support you from this day forth and you will begin to see the changes you long for.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 4, 2021

Make your time on Earth meaningful. In order to do that begin with changing the self. Intend to become a more loving being so that you become part of the solution that will quickly change the world into a more loving and peaceful place. It’s not that hard to do. Begin with the self. It’s called the Love Principle and indeed it will change you, and you in turn will change the world around you. Love is the answer—it has always been and will always be.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 31, 2020

Choices matter. The attitude you adopt matters. What you believe matters. How you decide to view the world matters. All of these things are changeable. Each new day choices are available, new attitudes are possible, and the opportunity to view the world in a different way presents itself. Choose a path of heart, be optimistic for a change, view the world as a beautiful, loving and caring environment in which to live. Influence yourself for a change, with new ideas, and see what happens. Begin with love in your heart for yourself first and take it from there. You can’t go wrong with love as your guide.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne