Tag Archives: personal energy

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 9, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Track your energy, watching for signs that you are using it properly and most beneficently. When your energy perceives a positive benefit it will likely let you know in some way, such as a heart pounding affirmation or a happy sense of destiny or contentment. When your energy perceives that something is negative and will have unhealthy results, it will give you clear signs to steer clear. The thing is, will you notice, pay attention and follow the advice? Will you take the path that has meaning and heart? Show up in your own life more fully and pay attention. Those are two aspects in your favor as you learn to track your own energy responses to situations in life and make progress in the good. Show up. Pay attention.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 22, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

As the day unfolds, notice your energy. When is it strong and flowing and when is it flagging? When is your mind clear and your intuition strong? Are you naturally more present and alert in the morning and less so in the afternoon? Schedule important things around high energy times and save self-contemplation for quieter energy times. Everyone has a natural ebb and flow of their personal energy. Have you studied your own, and are you going with the flow of it or are you fighting against it?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 15, 2021

You are the source and the light of your own energy. It lies within you, eternal and available. Nurture it, allow it to provide you with the energy, light, and love that you truly are. You are not separate from this eternal source; you are this eternal source. Reconnect with it in every breath you take, in every thought of your spirit self, in every moment you think of love, for love is the energy of this eternal source and that which you are emboldened to embrace and be during all your days. Love is the energy of the eternal source, love is you, love is the answer.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 29, 2018

Your energy effects those around you. Just as you are effected by others, so are they effected by you. Your moods, your overall state of health, and your attitude have a lot to do with how you effect the world. You can wound or you can bring joy. You can heal or you can sicken. The world around you effects you greatly too, the general atmosphere of the times you live in compounds how you feel, especially if you do not protect yourself from what you cannot control. If you get right within yourself, calm and relaxed, so that your energy is of positive vibration, you have a better chance of weathering through the world atmosphere. Nature has a very special vibration, one that is beneficial to mind and body. It is naturally calming and relaxing. Reset your inner vibration to nature’s gently positive radiance. Radiate this calmness within and without so that you heal yourself and protect yourself, and in so doing make the world a better place too. When you energetically change yourself, you energetically change the world around you, and the people you are closest to will notice this positive change in you. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 4, 2017

[This will be the only posting for today, no audio channeling today, taking the rest of the day off! Happy Labor Day!]

In times of stress it is important to protect one’s energy, to pull inward, get calm, and let nature takes its course. The impulse is to get involved, help out, do the impossible, convince someone of something. But the truth is, as fine as your intentions may be, no one can help another being do what they must do themselves. Of course, there are times when help is needed and therefore should be granted, and to the self this kind of help is very energetically rewarding. But it is in those times of energy drain that one must pull back and wait calmly for nature, and the nature in everyone you meet, to have its way. Nature has a knack for smoothing things out and often does not need interference, for often it is the interference of humans that causes problems to begin with. Step back in times of stress, protect the self, waiting in calmness, knowing that lessons are only learned by experience. Let experience be the teacher, the savior, the salvation. You can do no better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne