Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 17, 2018

Embrace your physical self and love yourself for all your human frailties, your stupidities, your fears, and especially your lack of trust in a higher purpose and higher guidance. You are perfect as a human physical being, doing all the things humans do, and yet all of those human physical things are just the beginning of who you are, for you are so much more than that. Explore your greater self, your eternal self, your spirit self, even as you let your physical self teach you what you are done with, what you can let go of, and what you still need for a while longer. As you begin to understand your two selves more fully turn to your spirit self more often and ask for guidance. Learn to trust it by trying it on, by asking for proof, for help, for something special, and seeing what happens. The physical body is just the beginning of who you are. There really is so much more!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: The Power Within

We’re all just energy beings…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are instructed to get into alignment with what we all truly are: energy. A different perspective on what this all means is presented, equally challenging and freeing.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and energetically fulfilling week!

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 10, 2018

Without regret begin this day. Without judgment take a step in a new direction, more determined and intent than ever before to make a difference in your own life. Why are you there except for this reason, except to make a difference to yourself? You are there to fulfill something special about yourself. Perhaps it’s something you are not aware of yet, or perhaps it’s something you do habitually that has followed you through many lifetimes. Look at the bigger picture of your soul’s journey, spanning many lifetimes, and find out what it is that you are there on Earth to fulfill this time around. It has something to do with your life alone, with your personal issues, with what bugs you the most. Discover this secret about yourself and solve your biggest mystery. Why are you there? What you find out might really surprise you. It might be something very obvious, but surely it will make complete sense. And then you can get down to the rest of your life and fulfill it in a new way, freed of old baggage from all your lifetimes. Now that would really be fulfilling!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 5, 2018

Gather your energy and with patience await your next assignment in Earth School. Where you go and what you do is of prime importance, so be selective as you live your life according to the dictates of your higher spirit self, who knows all and who awaits union with you each day as you walk the path of life. Let yourself turn more toward this knowing self as you figure out your life, as you take one day at a time, as it comes, and as you learn your lessons as they present themselves. It’s never too late to learn. It’s why you are there. All lessons are good lessons, so be open and without fear, and with a loving and eager heart let in what arrives on this day too. It might just be the greatest lesson you’ll ever have to learn. And that’s good indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 5, 2018

Let not your ideas of yourself spoil the riches in life. Let not your fears take away the joys. Let not your sadness steal your possibilities. Let not your loneliness keep you from experiencing union. All these things are overcome as you dare yourself to live each day to the fullest, as you realize that thoughts and fears are but habitual patterns adopted long ago, that sadness and loneliness are teaching you that you want more. Prepare your body, mind, and spirit for what is to come. Get yourself ready each day with expectation, with positive thoughts rippling through your mind, with a smile on your lips. And above all, keep an open heart toward yourself and others as you own your life. Own it.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne