Plan for a new approach to life and the circumstances you find yourself in. Pay attention to your body as it tells you its likes and dislikes, as it struggles to get your attention, as it tries to alert you to what is truly going on inside you. Pay attention to your loving heart as it too tries to alert you to what you are ignoring, missing, getting wrong. Pay attention to your inner spirit as it also speaks constantly to you in a myriad of ways, as only spirit can. Face that it’s time to do things differently without, in the greater world too. You are a reflection of the world and it is a reflection of you. What you feel, it feels. What you observe going on with it, it observes going on with you. What you know about it, it knows equally about you, for a reflection is honest in every way. Plan for new approaches, new changes, curtailing that which is excessive so that that which is truly right may emerge and participate in a new world. But most of all, in body and spirit, let love rule now. Within and without, let love rule.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne