All things change, even you. Ah, life! It’s all about energy in constant motion. It can’t be stopped. Without regret, move forward with the changes that life brings you, the challenges you must face, but learn to let go of the past in a real way too. Otherwise it will remain attached to you in mental, emotional, and physical ways, handicapping you and keeping you stuck. Even your spirit must learn to let go of the old so that it can help you move forward. Fully remember, fully feel, and fully release from your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self all that is no longer of use so that you may be fully available for that which awaits. Life wants you to be fully present to live it. Don’t you? There is nothing to fear. After all, it’s just your own life’s unfolding that you seek, that which your spirit seeks to join you in. And life is adventure and experience and moving on toward what comes next. Each day is new energetic life. Today is new life too. Opportunity awaits!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne