Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Friday July 19, 2019

Discipline is necessary if life is to get into perfect balance, discipline that extends into every aspect of life. And yet discipline is only one part of what is needed and must never become the only thing that drives you in life. Perfect balance requires more than just discipline, more than just the intention of being disciplined. It requires the ability to be fluid, to go with the flow, to change and accept change, to take responsibility for your life no matter what happens. For life is like a river flowing naturally, energetically alive, and yet even a river does not always rage, does not always swell over its banks, nor dry up either. A river changes with the seasons and yet its discipline lies within its course, its direction. Whether contained or not, it flows in one direction. That is discipline. Be like a river. Seek fluidity and yet remain disciplined, heading in one direction, always upon your path of heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Protect Yourself

Nature provides protection, such as the furriness of a peach…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling this week we are advised to protect our energy from outside influences. It’s an especially appropriate message as the energy builds to a full moon tomorrow. Full moon energy can be very powerful, keeping us awake at night, leaving our energy depleted during the day, sending us to influential highs and devastating lows. Rather than getting attached to too much of the extremes, seek balance and stability instead by protecting your energy.

And have a wonderful week too!

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 9, 2019

Let love remain your guiding principle. Through thick and thin, do not lose your heart centered connection to all that is, for love will carry you forward when all else fails—love for self, love for other, love as healing balm, love as energy that permeates all worlds. Let love always be your guide. Let love always be your traveling companion. Let love always be on your mind, in your heart, and in your hand. Be loving from this day forth and become one with the greater love that is changing the world, one loving heart at a time.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 5, 2019

Keep going. Don’t stop now. Reinvigorate your intention. Like a seed planted in the ground attend to it so that the change you desire comes to fruition. Nurture it with love, feed it your attention, and give it your energy. Remind yourself often that you are important and that your intention for your own growth and happiness is important too. Remain optimistic and keep your intent alive. With love it will thrive. With care it will grow. With your unbending intent it will evolve, and so will you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 4, 2019

Question your life. Question what you think, what you think you need, your judgments of others, your beliefs, your staunchly held ideas, your perceived duties and obligations. What are you doing that is good for yourself and others, and what are you doing that is not? What is the best use of your energy so that you may grow and evolve? Each day is a new opportunity to change something, to add or remove something, to do something that you have longed to do, or to simply stop doing something that is not good for you. Choose health over habits. Choose conservation of energy for what really matters over energy expenditures that are wasteful. Choose new life over old habits. Be adventurous within your own mind. Adopt a new thought today. “I am different today,” may be enough. Change one thing, one thought, one habit. Just change something, and then see what happens!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne