Tag Archives: High Self

Chuck’s Place: The Power Of The Coin

Ask in alignment with heart, mind & spirit…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

In the solid world of everyday life a coin is an agreed upon object of stored energy for commerce. Our saved coin is our buying power.

Even in this most physical world, abstraction, or subtle reality, animates the value in coin. Without an agreed upon reality amongst humans—that assigns and allows coin to ‘contain’ a spirit energy—coin would hold no value.

At the soul level of reality, the appearance of a coin in a dream is a type of mandala, the outer attire of one’s High Self. Essentially, the High Self is affirming that this dream theme, accented by the coin’s appearance, is the next step on one’s path of individuation.

The use of a single coin throw for guidance is a very early predecessor to the I Ching,  an oracle which uses three coins tossed six times to create a highly differentiated hexagram of oracular wisdom. A single coin represents wholeness, via its circular shape, a shape that includes all that is. The two sides, heads and tails, give equal representation to Yang and Yin, the building blocks of everything.

Heads is assigned Yang. It is the masculine, active principle. When it appears, it says Yes to taking action. Tails is the feminine, receptive principle. When it appears, it says No, the time for action has not yet arrived, as things are still in utero. A single coin toss is only capable of reflecting a gross answer of either Yes or No, with no further elaboration.

Who is it that answers the question? The answer is, one’s High Self, or Spirit. In effect, one’s ego self poses its question to its High Self, which in turn answers Yes or No to the question posed. Sounds pretty straightforward, but actually much consideration and preparation are required to benefit from this oracle of the single coin.

Firstly, ego must assume full responsibility for its life. Ego can’t simply turn over this responsibility and sheepishly ask the High Self, as parent, to tell it what to do. High Self is the center of personality that insists ego evolve and expand consciousness through its thoughtful suffering of the travails of a human life. High Self will provide support and guidance but not the answers that ego must rightly figure out.

It’s not beneath the High Self to give a wrong answer if the ego is evading its responsibility in asking, or persists in over-asking. Even the I Ching has a reading, called Youthful Folly (hexagram #4), which reacts rather sternly to perseverating questioning:

“It is not I who seek the young fool;
The young fool seeks me.
At the first oracle I inform him.
If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.
If he importunes, I give him no information.”*

The expectation is that ego sit in the tension of the opposite possibilities inherent in the question it struggles with and, as objectively as possible, come to a tentative decision of what truly is right action.

Right action is action free of prejudice or secret motive, action truly in alignment with what is right to do in the situation being considered. This of course would be action in alignment with the High Self.

Having  done this preparatory work, ego is in a position to say to High Self, “I’ve done my due diligence. Are you in agreement with my conclusion?”

If the answer is No, it gives ego the opportunity to go back to the drawing board and to look further into its shadow, asking itself, “What am I missing?”

I personally have benefited much over the years by being directed to reflect again, shedding greater light upon the blindspot of shadow’s hidden influences.

Of equal importance is the reverence one assumes for the feedback received. If ego has already decided what it will do, and then rejects the contrary council of the coin, ego is truly guilty of insincerity in asking its question.

For true guidance, when approaching the coin, one must be open to the possibility of not doing what one has already decided to do.

This may mean returning to the drawing board to deeply consider why one feels so certain of getting a No answer. Of course, it could be possible that ego must go it alone and make a decision that defies even the Law of the High Self.

Was this not the situation in the Garden of Eden, where a law being broken gave birth to human consciousness and free will, the essential building blocks of planetary growth?

Indeed, this may be one of the High Self’s greatest tests for ego—to take responsibility for right action, even in the absence of any support.

The bottom line is that an oracle is really only helpful if used as a support to ego growth in its refinement of subjective motives, as they are transformed into service to the underlying truth of its being.

The real power of the coin rests in the sincerity of the seeker who turns to it for guidance. And though of great support, nothing replaces the primacy of ego assuming full responsibility for its growth in its sojourn in a human life.

Valuing the correct use of the coin,

*The I Ching or Book of Changes, Wilhelm edition, pp. 20-21

Soulbyte for Friday May 27, 2022

In every life a chain of events can be revealed as showing the unfolding of life. Circumstances do not suddenly appear; they are, more often than not, expected. When one looks back at how things unfolded this is seen to be true. To be aware every day of the unfolding in process is to be in alignment with life, aware of the signs and synchronicities that bring change. Become alert to your own life’s unfolding so that you are prepared for everything, at least in the intention to go with the flow rather than to be overwhelmed. Things do not happen, they unfold.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Synchronicity, The Soul’s Messenger

Molting gutter snake…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In a dream, I was beside a lake at night, sandwiched among a pile of undulating bodies, tracking an elusive sensation in my body. Suddenly, Jan awakens me; it’s 4:15 am, already late to rise.

I abruptly stand up. My body suddenly begins to seize into a full body cramp. Unable to stand erect, I carefully hobble out to the living room couch. As the seizure continues to threaten to go into a full-blown convulsion, I question whether my energy body, in its abrupt return to the physical body, from the dream, has docked awkwardly, impacting both my muscular and skeletal structures.

Next, I reflect on the dream experience itself, recognizing the purposive action of a contraction-like movement in the dream, suggesting a birthing experience. I know from personal experience that all dreams, however painful or frightening, are promptings from the High Soul for movement and change, in the physical waking dimension of life, that are in alignment with its higher truth.

This was not some kind of physical recapitulation of a suppressed bodily memory. This was a High Soul energetic chiropractic adjustment that had to be completed in the awakened physical body. My fear dropped away and I wondered, in awe, what new life was struggling to take form in my body as I entered the light of day.

With this growth-oriented perspective, I was able to be receptive to the physically challenging experience as it led me into new knowledge and consolidation of mind, body, and spirit self. This is the process of inner alchemy, as the body becomes the retort through which soulful transformation is achieved.

The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered that all energetic intent is embodied in the routines of physical postures and movements we subconsciously repeat each day. Changes in movements and postures open one to whole new worlds of possibility. Frequently, those shamans would be instructed, in dreaming, in new sets of physical movements, which they called magical passes. They then practiced these passes in waking life to bring intended change into their lives.

The synchronicity of my dream body’s and physically awakening body’s experience was my High Soul’s message crossing between the unseen dimensions of my whole Self. The message was non-verbal; like a new magical pass, the message of change was quite physical.

Synchronicity had already provided a startling sign the prior day. A black snake’s head hanging from the gutter above the front door greeted us as we arrived back home after our daily climb up and down Robert’s Mountain. We suspected that the snake was shedding its skin, as we have often found discarded snakeskins in the gutters. I too was soon to begin the painful process of molting.

At the level of the High Soul is the dimension of our experience at the transpersonal level of existence. This is, literally, the subatomic Soul level of existence, where everything that is, is interconnected as an ever-undulating wholeness of energy. All of us, everything, exist as one; nothing is exempt from this wholeness, this oneness. This is our life at the High Soul level of infinity.

Closer to home is the dimension of a circumscribed life in a physical body, where the interconnected energy of infinity is perceived as a discreet world of separate solid objects. This is the life of the soul, sequestered to the perception of ego consciousness, constructing the familiar dimension of everyday life in time and space.

The transpersonal dimension is light as a wave, as energy. The ego dimension is light as a particle, as solid. These two dimensions operate quite independently of each other, yet they do interact in the freedom of the dream space, where they share with each other both their wisdom and their experiences. High Soul has the broadest view, but ego soul contributes to High Soul’s knowledge through its own experiments in physical form.

I realize that my High Soul needed a willing partner, in its ego soul, to acquiesce to the molting and realignment that would allow for new discoveries in physical life experience, which are crucial to the High Soul’s growth and movement in infinity. Teaching and learning are a two-way street between the human and the divine. The particle and the wave are equal though opposite sides of the same coin.

I have come to realize that everything that occurs in waking life is meaningfully connected. From this perspective, the transpersonal knowing of the High Soul is channeled through the receptive ego, as it attends to the sensations of the world around it in waking life. Nature constantly provides signs and agreements to our cognitive meanderings as we navigate our days. This is synchronicity, the soul’s messenger, bridging the dimensions of Self.

To benefit from the High Soul’s messages from infinity, one must indeed suspend the judgment of an overly rational particle prejudiced ego, appreciating the promptings of the energetic High Soul.  As well, one must live a grounded life in the physical body and participate in the fulfillment of the physical life they are also in.

And so, I have daily come into alignment with the shift that occurred upon sudden reentry into the physical from dreaming, molting from an old ego stance into the new adjustment that was afforded me by the collision of worlds—my High Soul having instructed my ego to get into a new alignment that benefits both.

Get grounded, suspend judgment, open to the awe of possibility, and begin to dialogue with your own High Soul. It communicates everywhere, in every pulse of nature and the planet, within and without.

Forever molting,


Chuck’s Place: I Want

Spirit wants matter…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In the beginning was  Intent, and Intent attracted to it a material world and all life in it. Intent, as represented in thought and image, is the magnetic blueprint that draws to it the material life we are in. One “I” of “I want” is the intent of our spirit  that has drawn to us the physical body we don during our human journey in this world.

Our spirit body, the home of intent, is composed of our high self, ego self, and subconscious self.

From the high self is delivered the blueprint for the life we will enter. This encapsulates our spirit’s intent, our mission for the life we are in.

The ego is the seat of our individual consciousness that allows us choice, our personal connection to intent, within the life of our spirit’s design.

The subconscious is the home of the desire body that, through the law of attraction, transforms suggestion (spirit) into physical existence (matter). When the subconscious is given the suggestion, “I want,” it automatically prepares the body to receive and act to produce the desired outcome.

The subconscious is a highly sophisticated manufacturing and maintenance facility. The subconscious is nature’s brain. The subconscious automatically operates all physical systems and cycles of life, without consciousness, in the human body.

The subconscious does not think, it follows orders. Its inborn orders are the genetics, instincts and archetypes that govern a specific species. The subconscious also has access to the akashic library, the reservoir of all human experience and knowledge, past and present.

When life presents us with any circumstance, the subconscious scans its resources and activates the program it associates most specifically to the situation presented. This action is called habit; no conscious thinking involved. When we drive and someone runs in front of us, the subconscious automatically reads the danger and directs the foot to brake.

The subconscious can be influenced by suggestions beyond the dominant programs of nature. The ego can choose actions that override nature’s laws. Though we may be dead tired, we can force ourselves to stay awake. Though we are attracted to somebody, we can choose not to approach them. Though we may not be truly hungry, we can force ourselves to eat.

The ego, with its constant internal dialogue, writes programs that the subconscious obeys. Thus, if my ego tells itself that it is inferior, the subconscious activates neurotransmitters that provide it with a depressed mood.

The subconscious also receives the suggestions that spirit forces seek to deliver to us. The universal law to progress, in this life and beyond, is to be helpful to those whom one can truly help. Spirits beyond human life, who have evolved and have guidance to offer, known as spirit guides and guardian angels, constantly offer helpful suggestions to our subconscious minds, the medium that receives their subtle energetic impressions.

These suggestions suddenly burst forth upon our ego consciousness in the form of images, thoughts, intuitions, inspirations and wants that the subconscious presents to the ego as it awaits orders. Often the ego is unaware of the origin of these offerings ushered upon consciousness by the subconscious acting as medium to spirit.

Frequently, the ego takes credit for these creations in an inflated state of grandiosity. Nonetheless, consciousness is given the opportunity to examine the suggestion and choose a course of action. However, the ego must choose wisely, as not all suggestions are the offerings of benevolent spirits!

Just as the living human race is challenged by greed and self interest, so is the spirit world populated by souls at different levels of development. Many a departed soul clings to life in this material world through association with the physically living. Though their suggestions might appear desirable, their human impact might prove detrimental. Choose wisely.

To return to the phrase ‘I want’, we do well to question who the ‘I’ is within us. Suggestions abound from the spirit world, and the material world, in the form of subtle marketing suggestions. These suggestions are impressed upon the subconscious, with many rising to the level of consciousness, for review.

To really claim ownership of ‘I’, consciousness must own and agree to the suggestion. This is called acting responsibly. Acting without conscious reflection is ego signing up for a temporary state of possession. Though the ego remains responsible for its actions in this case, those actions are likely irresponsible.

When ‘I want’ chooses with consciousness, for the greater good of self and other, we can be certain that the ‘want’ is the desire body acting to manifest the intent of the higher self in the flow of our human life. And that is what I want!

I Want the greater good,


Chuck’s Place: High SOUL, Bringer of Dreams

High Soul behind the mist, never doubt it…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The settings and characters of dreams come from many dimensions of being, but it is one’s High SOUL, or High Self if you prefer, that brings the dream. We might become lucid and change the direction of a dream, but this is consciousness only responding to High SOUL’S challenge to move life in a new direction, not the ego originating its own dream.

If we are able to exercise faith by suspending judgment, and with great concentration, call upon High SOUL to respond to our request, we might indeed invoke a response from High SOUL in the most powerful of dream experiences. Nonetheless, the bringer of the requested dream remains the High SOUL.

Suspending judgment means suspending the dominance of the mental plane which tends to splinter our will. Thinking uses opposition and contrast to build its arguments and conclusions. Opposing thoughts inspire doubts, generating internal civil war. Civil war consumes the energy of the splintered mind, neutering the opportunity to reach the transpersonal dimension of being.

High SOUL resides in the transpersonal realm. To reach it we need focused energy intent on connection. Suspending judgment does not dismiss the value of rationality, it merely shelves it while it sets out to open to the possibility of direct communication with the Divine, that is its High SOUL.

Regardless of our ability to gather our energy for focused connection, High SOUL delivers us everyday its communications and blessings in the dreams it brings us. Even nightmares fit the bill!

To wake ourselves up from a nightmare is High SOUL seeing to our growth. To not attach to a nightmare is High SOUL teaching us to navigate. To be forewarned by a nightmare is High SOUL manifesting as guide.

Dreams of immoral delight are High SOUL revealing to us the depths of our shadow. Dreams with departed loved ones are High SOUL offering reunions and opportunities to complete karma. Dreams that suggest what the future might be are High SOUL pre-cognitively preparing us for the inevitable vicissitudes of life and death.

Dreams that reflect our highest conscious aspirations are High SOUL cheering us on to stay the course. Dreams that manifest our doubts are High SELF highlighting our hidden forebodings. Dreams out of body are High SELF allowing us to truly be more than our physical bodies.

Offer deep thanks and praise to High SOUL, bringer of dreams. Suspend judgment and give yourself permission to love and embrace your highest of all SOULMATES, High SOUL, bringer of dreams!

Dream on,
