Tag Archives: as within so without

Soulbyte for Thursday December 13, 2018

Change is needed. The time of excess must now be curtailed, followed by a new time of moderation. Look to nature for guidance in how to go about this. Notice how a time of abundance in nature naturally recedes into a state of containment. Containment prepares for what is to come. If you don’t prepare, you will not be ready for the natural changes to come. And keep that word in mind: natural. For what is natural will come in its right time. It is inevitable. Look to nature to guide you. Ask for signs that you are getting things right. Signs will come to guide you. Signs will naturally come to guide you on. Keep searching.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 12, 2018

Plan for a new approach to life and the circumstances you find yourself in. Pay attention to your body as it tells you its likes and dislikes, as it struggles to get your attention, as it tries to alert you to what is truly going on inside you. Pay attention to your loving heart as it too tries to alert you to what you are ignoring, missing, getting wrong. Pay attention to your inner spirit as it also speaks constantly to you in a myriad of ways, as only spirit can. Face that it’s time to do things differently without, in the greater world too. You are a reflection of the world and it is a reflection of you. What you feel, it feels. What you observe going on with it, it observes going on with you. What you know about it, it knows equally about you, for a reflection is honest in every way. Plan for new approaches, new changes, curtailing that which is excessive so that that which is truly right may emerge and participate in a new world. But most of all, in body and spirit, let love rule now. Within and without, let love rule.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 7, 2018

Stay heart centered, even as you must take steps that seem heartless. Even as you erect boundaries and establish new rules of conduct with self, and others, remain of tender heart, remain of loving heart, remain of softened heart, for the heart is the organ of mercy, the organ of love, the organ of justice, the organ of right action, the organ of truth. Let your heart grow stronger by using it more often. Let your heart become your go-to place of knowing, where you find your answers, for it is most naturally just that, a place of truth, knowing, and answers. Use it for all of this and your path will be clearer, your judgment sounder, your life easier, your love boundless, for that is all your heart wishes for you. Stay heart centered.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Tripartite Soul of Now

I am writing to the future, the day this will be published, the morning after the midterm elections. For the record, my final edit for this blog was on the morning of November 6, 2018, well in advance of outcomes in time and space. My intent is that the electorate free its mind from manipulation and vote from the heart for the greater good of all. I will accept the outcome of the election as a true reading of the status of our collective soul now.

Tripartite: heaven and earth with the light of the intellect in between…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

I define mind as soul, the subtle body companion of our physical body for the duration of our lives in this world. The soul is a tripartite structure consisting of the inherent collective unconscious with its instinctive knowing, the ego with its intellect and capacity for reason, and the high self that is guided by infinity through intuition and love.

Recently, we have seen the rapid emergence of instinct, with its passionate emotions, take charge of world governance. This is an archetypal response, from the collective unconscious dimension of the soul, to the Earth’s current major reshaping and the primal dread it awakens at our animal core. Survival is its battle cry.

Our reasoning mind has either been convinced of instinct’s call to arms, and leant it support, or opposed its radical approach, embodying, instead, calls for greater unity and compassion.

The question for this midterm was whether the escalating instinctive approach would continue to grow, or a movement toward more inclusive values would begin to assert itself.

Regardless of outcome, the Earth will continue its radical changes, and the human animal will continue to experience fear and anxiety in response. The problem for humans, as well as all species on Earth, is that the environment is shifting into unknown territory, where old tried and true instinctive responses cannot effectively assimilate the current dangers.

The intellect that has the capacity to analyze a problem and oppose even its own nature to effect a solution may be equally disadvantaged if it cannot detach from personal interest or the thrill of unbridled emotion. Furthermore, the real solution to survival in this changing world might require opening to the guidance of an intuition that transcends pure reason.

Clearly, cooperation by all parts of the tripartite soul would best prepare us to ride the tide of our evolutionary challenge. From our instinct emerges the alarm of real threat to survival. From our intellect emerges the ability to analyze and act in our best interest. From our high self comes the experience of pure love, which binds the world together in common interest. Thus, the combination of instinct, intellect, and love are the winning ticket.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, our evolutionary path requires us to access the fullness of our tripartite soul to find our way. Regardless of the outcome of the election, every individual is free to travel this evolutionary path within the confines of their own physical body and tripartite soul.

In fact, the greatest of leaders throughout history were masters of their tripartite souls, to such a degree that they inspired humanity to higher spiritual directions, merely through the presence of their evolved personalities.

Focus now on evolving the personality through acknowledging the anxiety from below, through thinking objectively and initiating right action, and by finding inspiration and intuitive solution from the love and wisdom that comes from above. This is the tripartite ticket to facing one’s deepest issues within, as well as managing one’s reactions to the volatility expressed without.

Never feel powerless; you are the agent of change. Change the self, change the world.

In gratitude,


Soulbyte for Wednesday November 7, 2018

Hold onto your dreams, even as you occasionally slip back into your nightmares, even as you sometimes forget who you truly are, a spirit being in human form. As you struggle forward into new life, keep the light of your spirit in sight, the light of knowing, the light of love, the light of longing that draws you forth. Hold steady on the light as you make your way along the path of life, through the ups and downs, the twists and turns, the backtracking and sidetracking. The light is always there, leading the way. And who bears the light? You, of course! Your spirit self is guiding you and knows every step you must take. Without self-condemnation make your way, knowing that you will succeed, you will achieve, you will arrive. You will fulfill, for that is your destination, the fulfillment of your own beautiful wholeness, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne